Seth is evil, in case you didn't know

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I glanced at the door to see the gang frozen in their tracks. Honey Lemon's eyes were almost as big as her glasses. Gogo had a bubble covering half her face, ignored as eyes continued to grow bigger, in her arms was a tray with mugs of forgotten hot drinks. Fred looked everywhere but at Laurel's half-dressed body. Hiro, bless his heart, meanwhile couldn't stop staring.

We all froze except for Laurel who was trying to count her fingers, and would mess up after counting to 2.

"Excuse me ... excuse me."

Wasabi pushed his way past his shocked friends.

"Tadashi. I forgot to tell you. Hypothermia has symptoms that are a little odd. She'll have mental confusion and paradoxical clothing. It means she'll think she needs to take off her ... oh. Uh whoops."

Wasabi had been looking down at the kit, rummaging around it, until he came in front of me and her. Once he stopped he looked up and saw what had happened.

"Oh, okay. Sorry I forgot to warn you. Uh Gogo, Honey Lemon?"

The girls snapped out of it, and Gogo covered Hiro's eyes.

"Uh ... yeah?"

"This is a natural symptom of hypothermia, I'm sure she'll regret it later, and feel really awkward, so please help her change into the clothes that Hiro ..." He gestured to Hiro to come forward, " brought please. Take her into the bathroom."

Honey Lemon came forward and took Laurel's arm and gently led her out of the room.

I felt so ashamed, I probably just ruined all chances of hanging out with her once this was done.

You know, you totally could've had her if you just let me out.

Angrily I argued back.

'Seth, no. I don't want to scare her. Besides she's this way because of you! Now there's no way that either of us will get her!'

He was silent for a while.

Do you want her?

I was silent. I had had dreams about her before ... doing and saying things that I wouldn't dare to do in reality. Unfortunately, Seth was in my head so he saw these dreams as well.

Oh ... so you do. I could help you. Make those dreams a reality. I know you want to. Badly. I'm you, I do too. You've liked her since 8th grade and you still haven't even introduced yourself? Weak. You saw her every day. She was just down the hall in her lab, and never once did you even say hi! She's better off without you.

"SHUT UP!!!"

Once I realized that I said it out loud, I saw Wasabi's, Fred's, and Hiro's startled faces.

"Sorry ... Seth."

They all nodded knowingly. Wasabi went back to looking through the first aid kit for the thermometer. Fred went back to reading his comic, sitting in Hiro's chair. Hiro came over and sat in my chair where Laurel originally was.

"So ... Seth. How is he?"

He's still ready to rip out your throat for disabling me. Also I've been thinking of ways to kill him. Ask him if he'd like to be slowly torn apart, shoved in an oven for a few hours, or stabbed to death.

"He's fine. He says hi."

I didn't say that at all.

"Good, so how did he get out?"

"Um ..."

Go on, just tell him. You were distracted by the fact that your long-time crush was in your house ... and it was just you and her ... and you lost her ... and she was weakened ... hardly wearing anything ...

"I don't know."

Wasabi laughed.

"Yeah Tadashi, like we'll believe that. We all know that you like her. We're all guys here, you're cool."

"Ha, yeah."

At least they're not stupid. Except that shaggy one reading the comic, the old Wolverine comics? Who reads those anymore?! The new ones are so much better!

"Tadashi, I think we'll need to take a few tests at the lab to make sure nothings up."

"Okay Hiro. We'll do it later. Like maybe Friday."

Tests? More cat scans? I thought we went over this. I'm here to stay, and I'm going to help you get in with Laurel whether you like it or not. I'm in your body, we both want the same thing! I'm not leaving, so get used to it nerd.

Fred jumped up excitedly.

"Hey dudes, I just had the most brilliant idea ever! Want to hear it?!"

Wasabi sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose.

"Why do I feel like we'll hear it any-"

"Okay so Tadashi likes Laurel right?! So she'll be thankful that Tadashi saved her right?! So he acts all modest and stuff that girls like right? Then she'll be all 'Tadashi you're amazing! Why didn't I see it before?!" Boom-bada-bing! You kiss, happily ever after! Right?! Just like the vampire story! The vampire has a good side and a bad side, like a certain someone here, and a cute girl stumbles onto the scene. The rest is history! What do you guys think?!"

Everyone was quiet, even Seth. Wasabi was the first one to speak up.

"Fred ... that is ... wow. That's just ... wow."

"I know right?!"

Before anyone could say anything else, a loud crash came from the bathroom.

"What the-?"

"Tadashi! We need your help!"

Fred gave me 2 thumbs-up, Wasabi gave me a nod and said he'd have everything ready when I got back, and Hiro spread out more blankets on the bed.



I headed out to the bathroom. Mentally preparing myself for the rest of the night.

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