Girl plotting time

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I couldn't really focus anything. I could see the gang hanging in the door gawking. I vaguely thought maybe I should do something. Then I realized something wasn't right, I couldn't think straight. I kept trying to count my fingers. I couldn't remember what came after 2 though.

"1 ... 2 ... purple ... Q ... fish ... car."

Honey Lemon came over and gently helped me up.

"Honey ... can't ... fishy car."

"I know, I know. Gogo come on."

Honey Lemon and Gogo led me into the bathroom and sat me down on the bathtub's edge. They stripped off my wet clothes quickly and put Tadashi's clothes on me quickly. My mind was beginning to clear a little bit, but I was still muddle-minded.

"Honey Lemon, can you take her under-clothes and put them in the dryer quickly? We are not sending her back in there without her underthings."

Honey Lemon quickly gathered them up and left to go pop them in the bathroom. Gogo blew a big bubble and looked back to me. I lowered my eyes to my hands on my lap. They were shaking, but not as bad as before. I silently cursed my shaking in my head, and clasped my hands together.

"Stop shaking, woman up."

"I would if I could, it gets annoying after 20 minutes."

Gogo laughed but then her face grew serious.

"So wanna tell me why we found Tadashi with his arms around you looking like he was about to unclip your bra?"

Honey Lemon popped her head back in suddenly.

"Yeah why?"

"GAH! Geez Honey! That was fast!"

"I know, but I knew that you'd talk about things without me! So continue ..."

"Uh, well I was trying to take my clothes off because I thought I was supposed to. I don't know why. Wasabi said it was a regular but awkward symptom."

Gogo rolled her eyes.

"We know that! But what about Tadashi?!"

"Oh, well um. See I ... heh it's a funny thing ... I ... he ...we ..."

Honey Lemon grabbed my arm and started shaking me really hard.

"Come on! Tell us!"

"Ok fine stop! I had taken off my shirt and my pants, but my pants caught at my ankles. So I stood up to try to take them off. I did, only I started to fall. Then Tadashi noticed and lunged to catch me. It ended up with me on top. He grew pink as a strawberry once he saw that my shirt and pants were missing.

He picked me up and put me back in his chair and knelt in front of me, and asked me where my clothes were. I was confused, somehow I thought he wanted me to finish so I started to take off my bra, until he stopped me. "

I still was having trouble understanding what the heck happened back there. I took in a breath and continued.

"I didn't really understand why he stopped me if he wanted me to finish. Then he realized it was a hypothermia symptom, then he said he would 'help me.' I think he was trying to clip my bra back together, and then you guys came in. Everything's kinda hazy after that."

Honey Lemon and Gogo exchanged looks.

"Oh he so likes you."


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