Paradoxical clothing

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Everyone was silent, and didn't move. Apparently Seth was gone, and Tadashi was back, but it still felt like somehow, Seth was still watching behind Tadashi's stunned eyes.

Tadashi almost dropped me. He was a little shaky on his feet, but quickly steadied himself.

"Hiro? What ...happened?"

The rest of the gang visibly relaxed, and surrounded us as a protective, comforting circle. Hiro explained what had happened, turns out the group saw what had happened and came over when they saw a video from a burglar camera, which activates when Seth comes out.

"-we saw it all on the video, we'll show you later. We came here, and saw Seth about to make out with her, and I talked to him. Then she started shaking, and-"

As if my body was remembering, I started to shiver violently. Tadashi held me tighter protectively.

"-yeah, like that. She's got hypothermia, and with Seth making her exert herself so much has exhausted her, so now she's in worse shape than ever and-"

By this time, I was slipping in and out of consciousness. I tried to focus on Gogo's highlights but eventually everything started blurring together.

"-Seth actually kissed her! And then you came back, and then you were-"

"Thank you Hiro!" It was clear he didn't want his younger brother to continue.

"So you guys brought her here. I put her in my bed. You guys left me alone with her, even though Seth has been an issue lately. And she's deathly sick, and is probably scarred for life, and we have to explain everything to her? Did I miss anything?"

"You and Seth kissed her too."

"Hiro, I'm going to kill you. Fred, go get more blankets and put them on my bed. Honey Lemon, can you make some chicken broth. Wasabi, go get the first aid kit, there should be a thermometer in it. Gogo, go down to the store and make hot chocolates for everyone. Hiro ... "

He thought a moment, and scrunched his eyebrows together, and his eyes fell on my crumbled, still damp, clothes.

"Go get some clothes for her."

"Where do I get clothes for her? Aunt Cass took all of her clothes with her, when she went on that vacation with her friends for the next couple months."

Tadashi looked back to me, he seemed to be in serious thought with himself. Still, shivering like a leaf in the wind, gave him a shrug.

"Fine, go get some of my old clothes. She's too big for your clothes."

"Got it."

Pretty soon, everyone was rushing around, trying to help me. The girl who had just met that day. Wow, such nice people.

Tadashi walked with me, up the stairs into the room that I had escaped from earlier. He nudged the door open with his foot, and walked in sideways so I wouldn't hit my head on the frame.

Now that I wasn't being chased by a crazy guy, I realized his room was quite neat. It looked like his brother lived with him, because there was another bed and desk.

He stopped in the middle of the room, I looked back to him questioningly.

"Wait a minute, wait a... dang it."

I was confused. What was wrong?

He set me down in his brother's chair, and began to pace the floor. What was wrong?

My thoughts began to wander aimlessly, I tried grasping at them to make sense of them, but when I grazed them they dispersed into nothing.

I began to wonder why I still had my clothes on. Why did I? What ... why ... It was too hard to think of a reason why or why not. So I just took off my shirt.

My movements were slow and labored. Tadashi either hadn't noticed, didn't care, or what I was doing is what I'm supposed to be doing. I took off my shirt easily. I stripped off my pants which took more effort than I would've liked. They caught at my ankles and I couldn't get them off. So I stood up and shook them off. I was feeling proud of myself, up until I felt myself begin to fall.


Tadashi had noticed, last minute, that I was falling. He dove to catch me but ended up falling himself with me on top of him. He landed hard on his back, and I fell on top of him, making his breath leave him. Our legs tangled as we tried to make sense of what just happened.

As he began to realize that I was on top of him, in nothing but a bra and panties, his neck grew cherry and it spread to his face until he was as pink as a strawberry.

He carefully got up and put me back in the chair, he kneeled in front of me. Oh, he looked so flustered. Did he do something wrong? Did I do something wrong? All he did was put me in his chair, and knelt in front of me at eye-level. Is something wrong with that? What if it's illegal? Would Tadashi go to jail?

"Uh ... (y/n)? Why are you ...where ...where are your clothes?"

I was so confused and I didn't know what to do. My hands had begun to shake because of my worriedness.

"Clothes ...clothes ... oh yeah, I'm still wearing them. I'll get them off."

I had just unclipped my bra when Tadashi's large hands swallowed my own.

"NO! Leave them on! Why would you take them off?!"


I struggled to finish but Tadashi's strong hands kept me from finishing. I stilled as his strong hands grasped my small trembling hands.

"Wait, please stop. Just ... oh wait a moment. Hypothermia. You got it from my blizzard gun, and now you're experiencing the symptoms. Paradoxical clothing! It's when you think you have to take off your clothes because you're confused. And going through mental confusion!"

"Too many big words! Now let me finish!"

Tadashi stopped me and turned around so I was facing him, understanding dawning in his eyes.

"Okay, okay tell you what. I'll help you. Alright?"

I was getting more and more sluggish so I couldn't complain.

"Yeah sure ...yeah."

Tadashi's POV:

I was trying to get her to think that I was unclipping it, but I was really clipping it back together.

This is the worst day of my life. The one girl that I've had a crush on ever since I first saw her in high school is now in my room trying to take her clothes off and mentally confused. I made her get hypothermia with my invention. I attacked her when I became Seth, AND I probably killed her with worsening her case of hypothermia.

This is overall the worst day ever. Yay me.

Dang it, this stupid bra clip would not click! It wouldn't go back into the little thing! How do girls do this?!

And who should come through the door at the moment? The guys and Hiro.

"Hey Tadashi! We got every- WHAT THE HECK?!"


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