Plotting and Schemes

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Tadashi's POV:

I came into the bathroom to see Gogo sitting on the edge of the bathtub, Honey Lemon on her other side, and Laurel laying face-down on the floor.

I smiled, and almost laughed.

"What did you guys do to her?! I left her alone for 5 minutes, and now this!"

Gogo and Honey exchanged looks, I wondered if I was missing something.

"So what's the problem?"

I heard Laurel grumble and yell muffled,

"Problem?! Oh no problem! Just don't mind me on the floor here! Pleases continue talking."

I laughed a little, and bent down to help her up. I grabbed her upper arms, and hoisted her up.


She had started to thank me, but then almost fell. Luckily I caught her.

You idiot! You almost let her drop!

'What do you care Seth? Or when did you start caring at all?'

I ... I'm just being cautious. She is my new project; I don't want you to ruin your chance by dropping her!

'Uh huh. Of course Seth.'

He is so obvious.

You know I can still hear you right?

Darn it!

"Careful! You're still weak, right now you need rest. So no more gossiping I'm gonna take her now...."

"Tadashi, she can stay if she wants."

Honey Lemon looked at Gogo like she was confused, but Gogo elbowed her and gave her a look that said something. I swear girls are telepathic or communicate just by looking at each other! I should invent a machine that can interpret that.

"Yes! She can stay and you can't take her! ...Yeah!"

Gogo rolled her eyes at Honey. I honestly didn't have a clue as to what was going on.

"Um ... well, she needs rest right now. So I'm gonna take her."

I started to lead Laurel out of the bathroom, when Gogo started yelling.
"Tadashi! She has a right to stay! Laurel, tell him you want to stay and talk more."

I looked at Laurel and saw her eyes were closing already.

"Uh huh .... Mjfmgheerf ...."

She started mumbling sleepily,

What is she saying? Stop thinking so loud, I can't hear!

Really? Now? We're doing this now? You're the one who won't leave!

I decided it was time for her to go, and Seth was starting to bug me. But I knew Honey Lemon and Gogo would want her to stay. So I decided to mix it up a bit.

"OK, well I'm going to take her so ..."

I smiled mischievously and started walking back, pulling Laurel with me slowly.

"Tadashi don't you dare!"

Gogo and Honey Lemon had both started to get up when I got an even better idea.

I hefted Laurel up onto my shoulder, and made a crazy smile back at them.


Then I bolted down the hall yelling and laughing, with Gogo and Honey Lemon running behind me laughing.

I got to the bedroom door first, and slammed it shut behind me. Gogo pounded on it on the other side.


"Oh no it's not! She needs rest! Not more gossip or make-up tips or whatever you girls talk about! She needs peace and quiet!"

Gogo laughed muffled.

"This coming from the guy who just chucked her onto his shoulder, and ran down the hall yelling "Mine"?"

I didn't have a comeback.

Oo! She owned you! At least bubble-gum girl says something worthwhile! Mind her head idiot! You almost hit her on the bookcase!

I heard Wasabi, Fred and Hiro laughing behind me.

"Oh she got you!"

"Thanks Hiro."

"I mean, she threw you out!"

"Thank you Hiro."

"She hit you out of the park!"


"Okay, fine."

Gogo and Honey Lemon shoved on the door at the same time, sending it crashing into me and Laurel. We both fell but I managed to catch her.

"Oops! Sorry Tadashi! It was an accident! We ... is she asleep?"

Confused I turned Laurel over to see that she was asleep. Wasabi came over and took her temperature.

"Hmm, her temperature is still way too low. Get her into the bed."

I picked her up and carefully placed her on the bed. I hadn't realized that she was wearing my old clothes. It was weird seeing her in them, but it felt right somehow.

Focus you idiot! She's sliding off! If I was out right now I'd-

'But you're not. I am, and yes I did notice she was sliding off!'

I righted her and set her under the covers. Wasabi came and checked her temp again.

"It's still not high enough. Someone's got to keep her warm."

Volunteer. Volunteer right now. Do it!

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Honey and Gogo look at me pointedly at me. Fred, and Hiro did as well.

See?! They all think you should!

'They haven't even said anything!'

Seriously? I mean, you go to the top college and you can't figure this out? I'm ashamed to be part of you.

'Thanks that means so much to me.'

Well it should. I'm stuck in here! So I know ALL your thoughts, and ALL your dreams. I could do a number of things.

'Comforting, thanks.'

Wasabi was piling more blankets on ­­­­­­­Laurel and taking her temp again.

"Guys, I know this will be awkward. But someone needs to be under there with her to keep her warm, skin-to-skin contact will warm her up the fastest. Anyone?"

"I volunteer Tadashi!"


"Took the words right outta my mouth."

"As Captain Awesome would say, right on!"

I froze a moment. Why would they all agree? That was unusual, rare even, if not impossible.

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