New friends and a blizzard?

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The sun brightly shining woke me up. I fluttered my eyes open. I was sore from the position I was sleeping in. As I realized where I was, and get my bearings, I sat up and looked around. The sun was peeping over the trees behind the rocky outcroppings behind us.

Sparky slowly rose his head, looking around too. He got up and shook a little, getting the kinks out of his gears. He barked earnestly at me. I didn't understand, until his eyes glowed and he made an image appear on the ground of the lab and the time.

CRAP!!! I was late! I gotta get back!

"Ah! Sparky! We got to get going! We're late! Go straight into sonic speed, ok?!"

Sparky huffed and got his gears ready. I scrambled to get my jacket and helmet on. I jumped on, and pressed the buttons, latching myself on, and taking hold. No sooner than I did. Sparky took off, startling me as I yelped.

Time Skip!!!

We arrived at the school only 45 min late. Which wasn't as bad as it couldn't have been. I was about to breathe a sigh of relief before I realized that Drake was probably still looking for me.

I hurried Sparky into the lab building, and closed the door behind his slightly wagging tail. I was almost in the clear. I still had to get across the lab room to get to my hallway. There was so many people in there, I wasn't sure I'd be able to face them after last night. AND I had Sparky with me.

Nobody knew what my project was, but as soon as I entered that room they'd all know. Then they'd ask questions!

I mentally slapped myself, I was overreacting. I'll be fine. I'll be fine. I will be fine.

Gathering my courage, I walked into the lab with Sparky following close behind.

The room was bustling with hard work and bright sunlight from the windows. Everyone in their own little world of their invention. But all that stopped once I came in.

Everyone stopped, and dropped their tools, watching me and Sparky.

You can do this, you can do this. I kept walking, pretending to not notice the eyes watching Sparky and I. Until I felt a tap on my shoulder.

"Did you make this?"

I turned around to see a tall, slim, blonde girl with big glasses and a wide, friendly smile.

"Uh, yeah, I made him."

"It's a HIM?!" She gasped, "Wow! That's amazing! My name's Honey Lemon by the way!"


We shook hands, then she knelt by Sparky who was looking at her with quizzing eyes. He didn't attack her yet so she must be nice.

"Whoa, this looks so complicated! You made him by yourself? That's amazing! Oo! Are those ruby eyes? How could you afford them? I love the composition of the metal! It feels so smooth but tough enough to withstand-"

"A direct hit from a missile, yeah."

I rushed to put a word in. She talked so fast! Also, I didn't want everyone to know that I was stupid rich.

A new voice joined the conversation: "That's pretty cool, but what's his top speed? Name's Gogo."

It was a girl with dark hair and purple highlights. She looked like she drag-raced for a living. She smacked on her gum, and blew a bubble.

"Oh, I haven't found his top speed yet, but I'm working on it. He just seems to go faster and faster when I take him out."

She seemed impressed and looked as though she wanted to ask more questions before a shaggy blonde haired boy jumped on top of Sparky.

Iron Heart (TadashixReader)Where stories live. Discover now