What did he do to her?

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Soul's POV

We stood there dumbfounded at the new information.

"You guys go" Steph muttered under her breath.
We slowly started moving towards the door.

"Go ahead. I don't want you guys, I want to speak to my dear sister alone, anyways." Dr. Kern answered taking off his lab coat. He had on a T-shirt and jeans, weird for a doctor.  We ran towards her cell room and as soon as we got there Luke stopped to look at the room door.
We all paused to stop and look. I could tell he was holding back tears. He slowly opened the door and we all walked in.
(Y/n) was there, in her cell, staring a wall.

"(Y/N)!" We all shouted. We ran to the glass and Luke opened her door. She stared at us with a blank expression.

"Who are you?" She got up. She was speaking slowly.

"What do you mean, who are you? We're your friends." Luke said. He sounded hurt yet happy to hear her.

"I mean, who the fuck are you guys and what are you doing in my cell?" She got defensive and started to get into a fighting position. Everyone stared at her in shock at the change in tone.

"(Y-y/n) what happened to you?" Luke stepped back.

"Me? Im fine, I've always been fine, even after my friends died I'm over it, parents over it. I'm alone so you guys are lying when you say your my friends. Even so, you guys didn't look too sad without me." She stared at us and we all shared looks of confusion and sorrow.

"We never even set foot back in the house (Y/n). What are you talking about?" Luke asked.

"Oh she means how you all betrayed her." A voice very similar so Dr.Kern was heard behind us.

"Dr.Kern.... Why-" luke started but was interrupted.

"You really think my LITTLE sister could beat me? I do feel guilt but trust me I'm a good actor." Dr.Kern said looking down.

"Steph...." Maka said looking down.

"Now. (Y/n). I need you to play exterminator. We have an infestation in this room." Dr.Kern blurted out and walked away, locking the door behind him.
We all looked back at (Y/n) who was getting ready to fight. She took out a meat clever and looked at us.

"Let's fight." She snapped and chopped off her arm.

"WHAT THE FUCK!?!?" Black*star screamed falling backwards.

"(Y/N) WHY?!?!" Kid said trying not to gag.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!?" I shouted.

Branwashed POV◼

'The traitors were so scared. Funny. I'll dissect them.' I thought as my pain faded.
Everyone was gagging and backing away.
My arm quickly grew back and the limp turned into a weapon.
They all looked shoked and were completely still.

"Let's. Fight." I repeated.
I leaped out to one of them who was said to be Luke. He moved the the side and i bounced on the wall and flipped towards the center of the room. The whole group of people looked sad.

"Were so sorry (Y/n)." One mumbled. He had white spikey hair and a coat. His teeth were like a sharks. 'Reminds me of Sharky' I snapped myself and felt a slit sense of myself, my real self, come back.
'No. She's gone. Trapped in her la la land.' I reapeated to myself. The gang made a huddle and, from what I'm assuming, came up with a plan.
I clears my throat and they got into their fighting positions.

The blue haired kid laughed at me with his weapons his weapon was a chain and pickaxe.
He was approaching fast and was moving side to side.
He reached me and I had a halberd (on of my weapon forms) in my hand. I tried to swing but I missed. He kept darting around like a bug.

"STOP IT!" I shouted. I was getting annoyed.

I suddenly felt something hitting me. I looked over to see a kid with white strips in his hair firing at me.
I quickly dashed over to him only to be shoved out of the way.

"Black*star big wave" the smurf shouted. I felt my spine cracking and I fell.
'I'm so weak. I need to fight with...ANGER' I quickly got up and swung my weapon. I was spinning it at a rapid pace and it sliced striped boy and smurfy.

"(Y/N)!!" I heard everyone scream. I quickly dodged the attack one pair tried to make.
I flipped in the air but before I landed I felt myself being torn in half.
My eyes widened as I fell to the ground. I spit out blood and looked down. There was a slice across my stomach.

"How the....why didn't it work?" A girl in pig tails asked looking over Luke.

"She too powerful" a weapon said. I didn't notice who.
I felt myself boil and I laughed over to Luke. His eyes widened.

"IM SORRY (Y/N)!" He screamed. I was about to kill him when I stopped. I looked down and saw that his weapon went right through me.

"How..." I whispered. I was trembling as I felt blood pour out. "No.... NO!" I felt myself draining out.

"LUKE WHAT DID YOU DO?!?" Everyone yelled.

"I killed her. Her bad side." He mumbled. He looked at me "give me back the (Y/n) I know."
I blinked and felt the last part of me leave.
Before I could say anything I was gone.

¿¿-Dr.Kern's POV-??

'I never needed (Y/n). She's an idiot for thinking that.' I thought as I walked up to my sister and her partner.
I looked down at her, her partner was holding her and crying.

"Fuck off." He said shaking back and forth with her.

"She's my sister, I should be able to see her." I retorted.

"Don't care. Leave us alone."
I stared at the boy. Steph twitched as he rocked.
"You hurt her. Why would u want to see her huh? You make no sense."

"I needed to get to (Y/n), and you guys were distracting-"


"SHES MY SISTER. HOW DO U THINK I FEEL-" I finally yelled but was cut off by the door behind me opening.

"You can shut the hell up."


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