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-Your POV-

'That poor girl. Killed by her own brother. That's like if I were killed by Luke-...' I was cut off when I looked over at Luke. He seems pretty sad that she was dead.
'What's her name?'

I stared at Dr.Kern. he was actually crying.

"(Y/n).... Why? What happened?" He stared at me.

"I was cured." I snapped. He looked down and then back at the dead girl.


"Mikey, you get our of here and take Steph with you." Luke said. He had an angered face and clenched fists.
The one called Mikey nodded and took Steph out of the building. I stared at Kern. He looked defeated, as if the realization finally hit him that he most likely killed his own sister.
The tension was think enough to cut with a knife. No one was breathing. All of a sudden we heard someone scream.

"I NEED TO!" The voice was high, sounded like a girls.
Steph burst through the doors, running towards Dr.Kern.
She jumped in the air, blood pouring out of her adbomin.
"Im sorry Ben." She screamed as she landed on her brother.
She had her hand in weapon form. She pierced her brother through the heart.
Everything was still. Mikey was standing there starring with the rest of us.

"Thank u...." Dr.Kern chuckled. "I'll always love you, sister. Goodbye" He flashed away and turned into a Kishin soul. Steph looked at it and cried. She took it in her hand and turned around to us.

"We all got what we wanted.." That was all she said before she left with Mikey. We all looked at each other and we were silent. The weapons all transformed and we left the building. Dr.Coji stayed and we said our farewells.


%Your POV%

We arrived back at the DWMA and were greeted by Lord Death.

"Hello Children, I hear you all went down to the asylum. How was it?" He piped up.
We all exchanged looks of fear and looked back.

"Well, we didn't get any souls... But we did find a new pair of students!" Maka cheered up at the last sentence.

"Oh. Well you'll get an next time. But who did you meet?" He asked.

"They're names are Mikey and Steph. They're both weapons and meisters, they trained themselves to be both and fight well." Luke cut Maka off.

"Oh...those students. They went to the hospital a little before you guys got here. Feel free to check them. But we already enrolled em." Dr.Stein walked in.

"Oh great. We'll do that now!" I said as I rushed to the door. Everyone said goodbye and we went to the hospital.

We walked in and saw that the place was vacant. The nurses looked bored and the phones were silent. We walked up and the nurse stared at us.

"Hi is Steph here?" Tsubaki asked the lady. The guys didn't bother asking, they were too busy being body guards for me.

"Last name?" The nurse responded with a rude tone. Everyone looked at each other with worried expressions and Luke turned back.

"Uh. We don't know..." Luke said with his head down.

"..." The lady stared at us. She finally rolled her eyes and looked at her computer. "Well I've got.. 5 Stephanie's on the list, I can print you a list and you can go and check them yourself." She looked back at us and we all nodded our heads. She groaned and started to print out our list.
She snatched it out an ad handed it to Luke. "Here you go, and good luck."

We all thanked her and left.  We got in the elevator. We decided to start with the first on our list. Stephanie Joles.
The music on the elevator played as we went to the 3rd floor.

We all were silent till Black*star randomly bursted out singing the lyrics to the song.


We all stared at him as he stood in a pose that had his hand on his heart and his other in the hair, and his knees were in a super hero stance. We all started laughing uncontrollably and the door opened.

"You need some serious help" Soul said as we walked out. We walked up to the room and I held onto the doorknob. I opened the door to see a little girl in a bed. She was asleep and her mother was staring out the window. I quickly shut it and stared at the door wide eyed.

"Wrong room." I said as we walked back to the elevator.


(Still your POV)

We finally got to the last name. Stephanie Bern. We looked at the door in hopes of finally getting it right. I sighed and opened the door. I saw Steph staring at the ceiling with Mikey with his head on her stomach. She had her hand on his head and there was a song playing on the earbuds they were sharing.
Luke lit up and ran to them.

'I'm pretty sure he likes her... But he can't. Luksaki needs to be a thing.' I thought as he approached them. Mikey looked up at Luke and suddenly became angry.
He stood up and looked down to Luke.

"H-hey Mikey.... How's, how's Steph?" He backed away.

"Fine, get out." He muttered. Steph looked over to the Luke and smiled lightly.

"I'm coolio bro." She laughed out. Everyone relaxed and Luke smiled.

"Glad to hear that-" he started to speak but Mikey grabbed him by the back of his shirt.

"Get. Out." He said and threw Luke out the door. He looked at the rest of the group and they backed out. I was still in the room and he looked at me.

"I want to see how she's doing." I said staring at him. He walked up to me and towered over.

"I'm fine dude. He's not one for company. It was hard enough becoming close to him long ago. But thank you all for visiting. Sorry Mikey's being all rude" Steph said looking over at me.
Mikey shot a look towards Steph and she laughed.

"Well its good to know your alright. We enrolled you at the DWMA so when you recover, come and find us at this address and we can get you ready." Luke handed her a paper. He quickly walked out and grabbed my hand and we all left. We left the hospital and we all went to me and Luke's house.

We all sat on the furniture in silence until Soul, Black*star, and Kid got up.

"Ok (Y/n). We can't do this anymore. We need you to choose someone." Kid said without even breathing.

"What..." I said as Luke smiled at me.

"Choose who you like more. And we won't be mad." Black*star answered me, inching towards me.

"I...Uh...." I couldn't think. I liked them all.

"Come on (Y/n). CHOOOSE" Luke pushed me towards the three and I blinked.

"I choose...."


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