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°Your POV°

"(Y/N)!" Luke yelled at me as I snapped back to reality.
(Heh) I sat up and saw that it was the next day. "Time to go see if we can join. Get ready" Luke threw me some clothes and we got ready.
We left the house and put my headphones in.
(Insert favorite song here)
By the time my song was over we were at the entrance of the school.
'How the hell... I guess time moves faster when you get lost in your thoughts.' Luke looked at me and laughed.
"Zoned out?" He grabbed my arm and we walked into the building.
We almost got lost when we caught a teacher.
"Hey! Could u help us? We're a little lost and we'd like to talk to the person in charge." Luke yelled out. The person turned around and walked towards us. He got close and we could fully see him.
He was very tall and had stitches on his outfit and face. He had glasses and.... A big screw in his head. He looked like he was in his late late 20's and his grin sent chills down my spine.

"Lord Death.... You mean Lord Death. You two seem very new to this city how long have you been here?" The man spoke. His voice was creepy but somehow calm.

"Um...we just got here yesterday." I finally spoke.
The man looked at me now and his smile grew wider.

"Ah I see what are your names?" he chuckled.

"I'm Luke and this my weapon (Y/n). I'm 15, she's 13." Luke pushed me a little back seeing his grin.

"Hm. The age gap is a bit of a bump, but we will go see Lord Death." The man turned around and looked at us over his shoulder. "Oh and I'm Dr.Stein. I may be your teacher soon so better start kissing up now or I'll dissect you."

His words make me freeze.
'Dissect' ran through my head.
'I haven't thought of dissection since....' I snapped back.  I realized I was in a room that had clouds around and guillotines lining a walkway.
There was a mirror and a man wearing a cloak in front of it.
His mask was weird and he finally spoke.
"Hiya. I saw you two enter the city yesterday at sun down. You two are Luke and (Y/n) correct?" His voice was like a cartoon.

"Yeah. We were wondering-" Luke was about to ask if we could join when Lord Death cut him off.

"Your in." He said. A block hand shot out and he made a peace sign.

"Oh..." Luke was confused. I stood there looking around and Dr.Stein walked forward.

"Which class Lord Death?" He asked pushing up his glasses.

"Hmm." Lord Death bent down and looked us closely in the face. "Let's see how they fight. But I'm leaning more towards the EAT class. They seem powerful."

"Heh heh. Told you" the doctor whispered passing us. "Let's get this over with shall we?" He got took us outside and there was a group of people.

About 7 people I think... There was a very tall girl with a long pony tail. Her chest was big but she had a soft skills on her face. She was standing next to this boy who was way shorter, yet some how taller than me?
He had spiked blue hair and half his face was covered by his collar. He had this expression of annoyance.
Next to that guy was another boy. He had these eyes that were blood red, his hair was white and pulled back. He had this toothy grin on his face...those teeth. His hands were in his pockets, he also was taller... Everyone was.
'Why am I so short! Its gotta be a crime at this point.' I thought silently looking to the sharks right. A girl with pigtails, a plaid skirt, and a trench coat had her hands behind her back. Her face held a weird but calming smile.
I followed my gaze to another boy who was staring dead at me. He was perfectly balanced, except the white stripes. His expression kept changing from an observing stare to confusion.
He was in the middle of these two girls, looked like sisters.  
Though, one was short and had blonde hair, the other long light brown, both wearing these hats....
I looked at Luke who was staring at the girls... typical.
He looked down at me and half smiled nervously.

"Ah. The gangs all here.
Everyone this is Luke and (Y/n), Luke and (Y/n) this is everyone." Dr.stein said walking up behind us.

"Hey." Luke said relaxing a bit.
I stared back at the three boys who were staring back.
Luke nudged me and I nearly swallowed my gum.

"O-oh yeah. Heyo" I said waving my hand and trying to act cool.

"Sup" said sharky.

"Hello Luke, (Y/n), I'm Maka. That boy over there with the white hair is Soul"
'Soul... Still gonna call him sharky' I thought as she pointed to him.
"He's my partner. Next to him us Black*star. His partner is Tsubaki."
She pointed to the two. Black*star finally looked at me his face tinted with red.
'Heh' I mentally laughed.
"Then there's Liz, Patty, and Death the kid....call him Kid though" she continued and pointed to the other three.
'Kid...he doesn't look like a kid. Looks like a teen. Poor guy, that name doesn't fit him' I focused back on Maka.

"Amazing." Luke muttered before she zoomed in on him.
Her eyes glowed and he blushed, but played it off cool.

"Well. Its them for the fight." Dr.stein said getting on his chair.

'Did he have that before?' I thought as the groups faces grew worried.

"Fight?" Maka asked.

"Yes. To see what class they'll be in" Dr.Stein replied, he seemed bored.

I looked at Luke who was ready to fight. "(Y/n). Transform." Luke bubbled, he looked confident. Probably for the girls.

"Alrighty." I said jumping into the air.
I turned into my favorite weapon form.
(Yep. Once again your very special and get many forms..
BUT! Only medieval weapons)

BUT! Only medieval weapons) 

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I turned into a Halberd. Luke caught me. He swung me easily over his head.
Dr.Stein grinned even wider than before.

We started to attack. He dodged but he counter attacked and struck him.
He chuckled and fell off his chair.
He got up and stood there. Luke didn't hesitate and launched at him.
"DUMBASS THAT WONT WORK" I screamed, I knew he was gonna dodge.
"I know what I'm doing (Y/n)." He replied.
He didn't, he was clouded by the girls and I could tell.
He tried to attack but of course Dr.Stein dodged.
He grabbed me and sent his soul wavelength.
I felt as if I was in that electric chair again.

Luke screamed out my name but I felt myself screaming.
It stopped and I fell. I transformed back and I was paralyzed.
I was shaking. Everyone stared.
I was so confused.
'He stopped. Usually they don't stop until I'm at my point of breaking.' I thought.
Luke ran to me and held me.

"(Y/n) please I'm sorry. Don't think of that. I know what your thinking... Forget about it! Its over!
We. Are. Out." His words snapped be back.
Everyone had these faces of shock and confusion.

"Out?" Dr.Stein asked.
I got up. I looked at Luke and then at the group.
I didn't want to lose.

"Let's go again." I said looking at the Doctor. 'Not much of a doctor from what I see. Lab coats usually mean monster in my opinion.'

"What!? No (Y/n) you need to calm down. What happened may have triggered some old memories..." Luke's voice was uneasy.

"I said... Lets. Go." I repeated and jumped into the air.

I felt a strange emotion.
One I haven't sensed in a LONG time.

'So long.....'

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