I choose...

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!!Your POV!!

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!!Your POV!!

"I choose-" I was about to pick a guy when the door bust open.

"LUKE!" A person bust through and ran towards Luke. He tackled him to the ground and hugged him. "LUKEY I MISSED YOU SO MUCH!!!"

"K-kyle?" Luke questioned. He was so surprised at the persons arrival.

'Who's that? Name rings a bell but.... HIS BROTHER!' My face gave away a look of a lightbulb.

"LUKEY LUKE LUKE!" Kyle dug his fave into brothers neck. "Luuuuuke." He got up and helped Luke as well.

"W-why are you..." He trailed off to examine him.

"Oh yeah... Well me and George found out you left the nuthouse and that you were in death city. So we decided to take you home." He bubbled. Luke's face turned into one of shock ad fear.

"Home.." Luke seethed out the words. Kyle got the message and calmed down.

"Yeah buddy. Come on let's go pack..." He loomed over to us and got a curious expression. "Who the hell are they?"

"My friends. That's Maka, Tsubaki, Liz, Patty, Kid, Soul, Black*star, and (Y/n)." He pointed to all of us. Kyle came up to me and examined closer.

"I like you. You're small and portable." He lifted me and spun me around.

"STOP." Luke ran and punched Kyle and he dropped me. Luke caught me and put me down.

"Jeez, you're still powerful I see." Kyle rubbed his stomach. Kyle got up and smiled. "All the matter we are going home." Kyle rushed to what he thought was Luke's room and packed, although he yelled out "LUKE YOU CLOSTHES ARE SO SMALL! ALMOST AS IF THEY'RE FOR A GIrl..." He stopped and it went silent. We heard him close my door and heard him open another door. After the silence he came down the stairs with two bags and a bright smile. "You both are ready now."

"We're coming with you." Soul spoke. Before Kyle could protest, everyone ran out to go pack.

"Fine.." Kyle sighed out. We all sat on the couch until the gang came back. It was getting late and everyone said that we could leave in the morning and we agreed on that. Kyle said he would sleep on the couch and me and Luke went to bed.

'I have a feeling this is gonna be interesting.' I quickly dosed off.

~timeskip to when you wake up~

-Luke's POV-

'I dont like how Kyle has randomly showed up and just assumed I wanted to go back home. I hated it there and he knows it. Still I'm happy he's alive but it makes no sense.' My alarm went off and I slammed it to shut it off. Kyle busted through my door and I groaned out.

"TIME TO GET UP LUKEY PUKEY." Kyle ripped the covers off of me and I scrambled to grab them. I slept with my pants and shirts off so the cold hit me pretty quick. "Holy shit Luke your body has grown too." My eyes widened and I rolled over and kicked him in the side. He laughed as his head his my wall. He rubbed his head and kept laughing as he walked out of the room. He was walking towards (Y/n)'s room and I quickly got some pants on and ran after him. I was too late and he had ripped off her covers as well. Her eyes snapped open and she let out a small 'HEY' before she stopped herself. She wasn't wearing pants and once I noticed my face heated up and I saw Kyles face change color. "OOPS SORRY (Y/n)!" Kyle apologized and threw the covers back and ran out the room with me.

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