God of Insanity

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"Black*Star!" She yelled out. She ran to me and hugged me tight. I stood in shock as the other two made disappointed faces but pat me on the shoulder.

"Congrats bud." Soul congratulated me.

"Treat her right." Kid warned.

She looked up at me and smiled. I felt so calm with her around me. I smiled back and picked her up. We stared as we fell in closer, it was like we were alone together. We leaned in close enough that felt her breathing. "I love you (Y/n)." I smiled.

"I love you too Black*star." We kissed and it felt like heaven. I didnt want it to end.

Months later (your POV)

"Come on were gonna be late!" I yelled to Luke.

"Ok ok coming." He flowed down the stairs and Secured his jacket. "Do I look good for Tsubaki?" He kept checking himself out in the mirror.

"You're fine noW COME ON!" I ran out the door and heard his follow. We got in the elevator and when it opened we saw the whole group standing there, even Mikey and Steph were there. "Sorry we're late. Mr.Ineedtolookperceft held us up." I giggled as I went to Black*star's side.

"Its ok my goddess. I can wait forever for you." He hugged me tight. Luke and Tsubaki hugged and we left.

We arrived at the carnival about 10 minutes later. "Come on Maka." Soul grabbed Maka's hand. They ended up getting together after I chose Black*star.

"Ok ok, slow down Soul!" Maka was pulled away.

"Well since we're splitting up. Come on Patty." Kid walled off with the Patty. He and her finally got together after countless fails. Liz ended up going out with this boy a grade higher than us.

"Me and Tsubaki are gonna spilt too. Meet back here when its closing time." Luke and Tsubaki smiled and they walked off. I looked at Mikey and Steph. Mikey had his head on hers and they already were walking off. I smiled and looked at Black*star.

"Guess its just us." I laughed.

"You're all I need." He kissed my forehead and we walked off to go enjoy our Saturday.

Insanity free.

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