Chapter 6

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As soon as the bell rang, I grabbed my supplies and rushed into the hall. I quickly got to my locker and stuffed my notebooks and textbooks inside. I grabbed out my homework and stuffed it in my bag. I turned around, with my bag on my back and slammed into a wall of designer blue jean. I was dead meat.
"Kyle!" Maia chirped.
"We've been looking for you everywhere, darling!" Chloe added.
I tried to say something but I couldn't make any sound. The two girls linked arms with me in either sides and started walking me to the door. As we walked, the sea of people parted for us, a luxury I had never experienced. As we got outside Chloe said,
"I call shotgun."
"Uh, no! I get it!" Maia responded.
"Nuh uh!" Chloe retorted.
"Fine. Let's ask Alyssa," Maia sneered.
Once we got to the car, Alyssa put her hand on her hip, saying,
"God, girls! I asked you to get her here quickly!" Alyssa huffed, tapping her nails along the shiny car.
"Sorry Alyssa!" both girls chimed sweetly.
"Whatever. Maia, you get first choice of seat. You've actually been helpful today." Alyssa said, shooting a nasty look at Chloe.
"Shotgun," Maia said, smirking. Once we got in, Alyssa ordered,
"Fiona, first of all, NONE of this gets out, understand? I will NOT have some story running around that she," she cried, jabbing a finger at me, "is with me! And second, take us to my house, now!" She finished, snapily.
Fiona meekly responded, "Okay," as she got the car into gear.
"Today, Fiona! I don't have all the time in the world!" Alyssa ordered harshly.
I stayed quiet the entire ride.

. . .


Once math was over, I turned to Stephanie.
"Put this in my locker and pack my bag. Bring the bag out to me then go to the bus. Bye!" I told her. I whipped out my phone and furiously texted Fiona.

Get the car ready NOW!!!!!!!

I didn't wait for a response. I strutted into the hallway, where Maia and Chloe were waiting for me.
"Thank God you're here! Go find that Kyle person and bring her to the car ASAP."
"Done," Maia said. I turned and went to the car. Fiona pulled up in the bright red Ferrari as I got to the curb.
"Someone else is coming with us today. Don't ask questions. Don't talk to her and drive fast. Got it?" I said.
"Yes," Fiona said quietly.
The girls arrived 3 minutes later.
"God, girls! I asked you to get her here quickly!" I snapped. "But whatever." I continued, ignoring what they were saying, "Maia, you get first choice. You've actually be helpful today." Maia was the one who knew who Kyle was and Kyle's schedule and her locker number. It was only fair that I rewarded her. Maia got shotgun and I got in the backseat. Kyle sat next to me and Chloe was on her other side. We rode in silence. The only sound was Taylor Swift's new song.

So sorry for the late update! I've been on a school trip! I hoped you liked this chapter!

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