Your Name:

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Note: Petra : Secretly a ereri shipper?!? Haha, I kind rushed this part but I hope it's satisfactory ;_; I wanted to write this part because I was excited after writing the last part and wanted to get this part in too since I have no school today. I hope you guys like it and expect another update sometime next week or over the weekend! Thanks for reading! 

Levi sat in bed thinking about how to settle his conflict with Petra. He doesn’t want her to be scared of him for the rest of her life; they’re squad mates after all. He thinks about taking her to a place for a walk sometime this week. Maybe they could talk things over and get their problems solved.

That night, Petra and Eren make dinner. Gunther, the mother figure of the group, went out to buy more groceries.

Petra says, “You should get closer to the captain! I can tell you really admire him and since we’re all in the same squadron, we should all get along!”

“I want to get along with him too … but I don’t know how …”

Petra thinks deeply and then comes up with an idea. “If you don’t tell him how you feel, he’ll never know! I think you should tell him about how much you admire him at dinner tonight. We’ll all be there so it wouldn’t be as awkward. I’ll be supporting you!” Eren nodded and listened to his superior’s suggestion. He wanted to become a team with the squad and like Petra said, the only way would be to say what he felt.

At dinner time, the whole squad is sitting at the table eating dinner. They discussed things about titans and their work. When everyone was done eating, the table was cleared by Gunther and Petra. After they were done, they went to sit back down to rejoin the conversation. Petra nudged Eren as a note that it was the right moment to tell Levi since he wasn’t busy at the moment.

Eren stands up, surprising everyone. “C-Captain Levi!! I … I admire you!!” Because of the absurdity of the situation and Eren realizing what he just said, Eren blushed. Levi was surprised and spit out the water he was drinking. Gunther and Oluo laugh and were about to fall off their chairs.Petra tries to calm everyone down but she can’t. Petra feels bad since she was the one who suggested this.

After everyone eventually calmed down, Gunther says, “Haha … looks like captain has a lot of admirers. You better watch your back Petra. There’s competition for captain’s love.” He winks at Petra. Petra’s face instantly turns red.

After dinner, Levi walks toward Petra’s room. He planned to ask her to go on a walk with him the day after tomorrow. He gently knocks on the door three times.

“Who is it?” Her melodious voice echoed through the door and into Levi’s ear. He didn’t respond. Petra opens the door. “Oh it’s you captain. What do you need?”

“Can I come inside to talk to you for a bit?”

“Sure. Come on in.” Petra was slightly nervous because it was the first time Levi entered her room. She wondered why he came over and whether or not she was in trouble.

The two sat on the bed awkwardly, neither saying a word. Levi didn’t know how to ask her and was beating himself up about not thinking it through before he came. He thought about what to say but the words escaped his mind as Petra’s image was engraved in his mind. Petra didn’t know what to say either but kept worrying about whether Levi came to interrogate her more on why she keeps pushing Eren toward Levi.



They both spoke at the same time.

“You can speak first, Petra.”

“No, you can speak first. What did you come here for, Captain?”

“Just call me Levi.”

“I can’t just drop the formalities, Captain!”

“Okay, okay. When we’re alone like this, please call me Levi.” Petra reluctantly nods.

“… Levi. What did you come here for Levi?” Levi was struck with how sweet her voice sounded when she called his name. He had a frog in his throat and couldn’t speak. Finally, he snapped out of it and spoke.

“I wanted to ask you if you could accompany me for a walk the day after tomorrow.”

“A walk? Where to?”

“Places. You’ll find out when the time comes. Do you want to?”

“I’d be glad to, Cap- Levi.” Levi smiles. Petra is taken aback at his smile because she didn’t expect it. She just stares blankly at him and blushes.


“Sorry, I just spaced out.” She thinks about what she wants to say. “About what Gunther said this morning…” She looks at Levi in the eyes. “I hope you won’t take it to heart, he was just fooling around.”

Levi leans in closer. “So does that mean you don’t admire me, Petra?”

“No! I do! It’s just that I wanted to clear up any misunderstanding that may have happened. I admire you greatly as a captain, that’s all…”

Levi nods slowly. “I see…” There is a moment of silence that fills the air. It feels like ages before Levi speaks again.

“Do you like me, Petra?”

“W-What?” She manages to nod.

“I see.”

“Did you know all this time, captain?”

“And now you’re back to calling me captain again.” Levi sighs.

“Did you??”

“Hmmm… Did I? I’m not sure.”

“What do you mean you’re not sure??”

“I’m not sure if it was your feelings that I realized or … my feelings.” Petra became a tomato. “I think I like you too, Petra.” Petra just stares at Levi nervously.

Levi runs his hand through his hair. “I know I just said I like you but … don’t fall in love with a hero.”


“I said don’t fall in love with a hero. It will only hurt you in the end. My job is to eliminate all the titans … whether I die doing it or not.”

Silence fills the room and Levi gets up to leave. He walks toward the door. Petra is on the verge of tears but gathers her strength to stand up and say something.

“… what happens after you eliminate all the titans?”

“Then I’ll live my life to the fullest in a titan free world.” Levi turns back around with an optimistic smile on his face and walks toward the now crying Petra. The tears she's been surpressing have let themselves free and onto her face. He pulls her into tight hug as she cries into his chest.

Between sobs Petra says, “… I really like you Captain …”

Levi rubs his hand in her hair and kisses the top of her head. “I love you too…everything's going to be okay. We'll eliminate the titans together."

They stay in that position for a couple minutes with Petra calming down in Levi's chest. When she finally calmed down, Petra breaks the embrace and looks up at Levi, her face still wet from tears.

Levi laughs. “That escalated quickly. I came over to ask you to take a walk with me the day after tomorrow but I ended up confessing my feelings for you.” Levi puts his palm on his face and laughs into it. When he’s finished, in one swift movement his palm moves up over his face and to the back of his head, pushing hairs out of his face on the way.  

Petra is still tomato red because of her sudden closeness with Levi and that she thought what he just did with his hair was beyond hot. She didn’t expect the events to turn out this way either. It all started with the mention of Gunther … and led up to this. Not that she was complaining. She is happy that things ended up this way and progessed so far. They're both looking forward to their walk the day after tomorrow in hopes of getting some quality time before their expedition outside the walls. 

Not the End; [Rivetra / Levi x Petra FANFIC]Where stories live. Discover now