Chapter 4

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'Hi Simon!'

Simon admired the view before him with very little surprise. Charlie was steadying himself against the door frame while a very drunk girl was throwing up on the pavement outside.

'Simon... I err...'

'Brought a date with you?' Simon offered.

'Yes! A date!' said Charlie, and then leaned in in an attempt to seem sober, 'I hope that's ok.'

'She looks like she's going to die.'

'She'll be alright.'

Simon smiled, a small part of him enjoying the mayhem that Charlie brings into his life, 'At least you're on time.'

Charlie grinned and entered the house. On passing Simon he leaned in to whisper in Simon's ear, 'I think I love her.'

Simon walked down the steps and helped the young girl into the house.

Charlie wandered into the lounge where he was greeted by a very happy Jane.

'Charlie! So lovely to see you again.'

'And you!'

They gave each other a peck on the cheek.

Simon entered the room with the massively inebriated girl and sat her on the couch. Jane continued to smile but with that contorted smile you only ever see on aristocratic women veining delight at seeing a photo of one of her slave's children.

'Oh. And who's this lovely young lady?'

Charlie tried to remember her name. The girl put her arm up in a drunken proclamation and stated with confidence.


'Yes!' Charlie grinned, 'Amelia! Amelia Heart! Her and I,' pointing vaguely where she sat, 'would like to thank you for the invitation to dine with you.'

'My pleasure,' Jane replied, 'Simon, could I see you in the kitchen.'

'No,' said Simon, with an air of "I told you so", 'I think we should have a drink.'

It wasn't long before Jane was lubricated enough to begin enjoying herself. The vomiting had sobered Amelia up enough for her to continue drinking and she was currently in the kitchen helping Jane prepare dinner. Jane poured the last few drops of Zinfandel Rosé into her glass and clumsily set the bottle down on the side.

'So, Amelia, how do you know Charlie?'

Amelia looked at her glass. It was nearly empty.

'More wine!' She declared.

Jane opened the fridge and took out a fresh bottle and Amelia struggled to remember the last few hours of her life.

'Err... he was sat on his own at the pub and I was like "heeey! I'm your biggest fan!", oh god, I'm so embarrassing, I think he told me to piss off.'

Jane laughed and filled Amelia's glass.

'And now I'm at your house getting drunk with strangers!' Amelia added.

'Well,' said Jane, 'I'm glad you're here, I haven't had a good drink in a long time, and you seem like a nice girl.'

'Thanks,' Amelia beamed, 'I like you too.'

They clinked glasses.

'When you came in I thought, Oh god, Charlie's picked up some bar skank to ruin the evening.'

'Oh thanks,' Amelia said.

'No, I do like you.'

Jane looked at the pink wine in her glass and felt the warm feeling of alcohol swim around her body, I am drunk, she thought to herself.

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