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Mark's POV
"Do you know if the kids are awake yet?" I asked looking over at Alice as I made some coffee. "When I last saw them, they were both asleep in Justin's room. Seemed like neither of them couldn't sleep so they just hung out with your textbooks, actually do you know what they were doing with them?"
"Is kind of funny actually, they take a picture from the book and make captions up about them." I explained to her as I placed the mugs in the tables and went to Justin's door. "Are you awake guys?" I called in. "Huh" I heard Justin say as he sat up accidentally kicking Miya with his foot and waking her up. "What's... what's going on?" She muttered rolling over to face me. "What time is it?" She asked more awake rubbing her eyes. "Almost 10, can you get dressed and then I need to talk to you." I answered as I watched Miya get up and follow me out the door, walking towards her room as I continues to the living room.

A few minutes later they both were sat down on the sofa. "What did you need to talk to us about?" Justin asked. "I would like you two to go down the road to the shop and get some milk, eggs and bread." I told them "What by ourselves?" Miya asked shocked I nodded "It will help you, Alice says you have to as a part of your therapy." I added passing them some money. "Now you'll be fine, so no calling me unless it's an emergency ok?"
"What counts as an emergency?" Miya asked "I guess if you feel you're in danger or hurt yourself, which won't happen as it's 5 minutes down the road." I reassured them. "Do we have to go?" Justin asked "yes you do, come on, off you go." I said herding them out the door.

Miya's POV
As we walked out the door my nerves got the better of me, I started to feel sick as I bit my lip to avoid crying. Slowly, I followed behind Justin. He seemed to be moving quite quickly "Justin!" I called to him as he was halfway down the road already "Justin!" I called again this time causing him to look back at me. "I can't do this." I told him fidgeting with my hands, my mind telling me to turn back before someone jumps out and grabs us. I jerked to look around me, no one there just me and Justin next to me. He grabbed my arm. "Come on let's just take it a step at a time." He reassured me.

Once we got to the shop we were thrown into an initially different atmosphere then at home and what we are doing at school at the moment. So many people were walking around talking and rushing around with bags and trolleys, their conversations deafening me as Justin walked with me, my hand in his comforting me as we pushed past the initial crowns of people. As we approached a quiet corner of the shop Justin took out the list from his pocket. "Ok we need to get some milk, eggs and bread." So we looked down each of the isles until we had grabbed all of the things we needed. After a while I realised we had to brave the crowds at the front of the shop to get to the tills. "Hello" A young man said as he started scanning everything in the basket, I looked down at the floor as Justin just nodded. "So that's £5.99 are you paying in cash or card?" He asked I just handed him the ten pound note wearily and flinched as he took it and dropped change in my hand. "Have a nice day."

We then gladly left the shop full of people and as we walked back home I felt contempt for the first time in a while I had a smile on my face and Justin seemed to notice. "What are you smiling about?" He asked "That guy looked so awkward." I said laughing a bit. "Not as much as you." He said back gently punching my arm. "I really like you." He said arm wavering on my shoulder as we stopped next to a tee. "Ok? I like you too" I said biting my lip. Justin looked nervous as I watched him place his other hand on my shoulder, rubbing my arm. "I don't just like you, I love you." His voice seemed to become deeper as he leaned in allowing our lips to meet, I found it comforting, being in his arms but at the same time I felt a fluttering feeling in my stomach which I wasn't sure if it was from nerves or from true love for him. When his lips pulled away from mine I took a deep breath as I tried to control my wobbly legs. "Come on, they'll be wondering where we got to." Justin told me as we started walking again and as his hand brushed past mine I felt an electrical jolt passing through my fingers as I grabbed his hand smiling.

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