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Mark's POV
Alice slowly walked towards Miya and me before telling me to lie her down on the floor. "Miya, listen to me you're ok. Can you close your eyes for me it'll help you calm down." Her voice was calm, soothing as she spoke to Miya. "If- if I cl-lose m-my eye's h-e w-will ge-et m-e." She spoke stuttering before her hand went to her chest. "Shh no ones going to get you, you're ok, safe." Alice's voice was still calm being patient with her. She's better trained for this then me, she's been through3 years of psychology classes that caused her to come home crying and have nightmares, it was horrible. But looking at how she was sorting out Miya I'm kind of happy she did that. One time when they were focusing on depression and suicide she wouldn't let me go anywhere, even around the house, on my own and she got rid of all the razors and rope around the house paranoid that I would do something. When I started drinking every time she caught me she would get rid of all the alcohol in the house and take my wallet so I couldn't buy any more. "Ok, Miya when you're ready open your eyes ." I heard Alice say knocking me out of my daze. "Ok good, good take a deep breath in and then back out Ok." She kneeled down and supported Miya's back . "Ok can you sit up." I watched Miya sit up and leaned against a desk hands on face, still crying but calmed down a bit, her breathing steady now.

Justin's POV

"I don't understand, why did you leave." I asked her as she passed me a cup of tea. "It all started when you were around 1 year and about 8 months when I found out I was pregnant again, we were so happy!" She got up and grabbed a photobook from one of the shelves and opened it up to a little me giggling as I had my hand on my mum's belly, it seemed like a different person to who I am now. He was innocent, had no worries and he didn't know the evil of the world yet. "I was about 5 months when we found out we were having a little girl." She flicked a few pages to the ultrasound photo. "We had thought of names and pointed her nursery, we brought you a 'I'm a big brother' shirt, life was perfect." I saw a picture of me wearing that outfit. "But life is not fair sometimes, I had a miscarriage at 24 weeks, 3 months before she was meant to be in our lives, we were both so distraught." I watched Josephine fiddling with a picture in her hand. "This was the last ultrasound we had, in 3D, she looked so calm." A tear fell from her eye as she closed the book. "I tried to sort myself out, I went to therapy and so many support groups but I couldn't live with this. So I talking with friend and well he helped me start a new life."
"I can't believe you! How could leave you had a family at home. Do you know what he became after you left. A monster, he became a monster!" I stood up and found Shane in the hallway. "We are leaving now!" He stopped me by putting a hand on my chest . "What happened?"
"I can't believe I trusted her, she just gave up on us."
"Ok, lets go. I'll go tell her." He walked into the living room I heard crying before they both came to the hallway. "I'm sorry Justin, I didn't know what he became! I would have helped you, I would have saved you from him." Shane walked up to me and went down to my eye level. "What do you want to do?"
"I want to leave, I want to go to Alice and Mark far away from her."

"Are you ok?" Shane asked me as he was driving me home. "I don't know anymore, I never know anymore." And that was entirely true, people ask if I'm alright but I don't know so I just say I am. It stops people from worrying. When John used to attack me he would tell me to lie; lie about the injuries, lie about my emotions and story. It's stuck with me and the only reason I didn't lie now was because I felt complete knowing who my mum was and that Mark and Alice were better for me. I'm over it, over John's rules he can't hurt me anymore, he won't! I can control myself. "It's ok to feel uncertain, especially in situations like this, not knowing which way is right. But that's why I'm here to help and support you with making a choice like this>"
"There's no choice to make I'm never going there again!"
"Do you have a girlfriend?" Shane asked obviously trying to change the subject "I used to but I messed it up. Her name's Miya she's had it worse then me."
"Well you've both been through terrible situations that shouldn't have happened to anyone let alone two kids, I've done so many of the 'parents go to prison' cases its awful seeing how the kids have been effected. What I would say though is you have to respect each others wishes and understand the pain the other persons been through . Be a candle for her and help light the way through her darkness and hopefully shell do the same for you. Help each other that's probably why fate brought you together."

Miya's POV

I've got to tell them, they deserve to know. But I can't! They can never know.

"Are you ok now?" Mark asked as I took a sip of water. "Yeah, I don't know what happened." He took a seat next to me. "Alice said it was a panic attack, she said everything's probably caught up with you and you couldn't handle it." I was about to tell him, when my phone pinged and I looked at it.

Justin: Hey, are you with Mark?
Me: Yeah I had a panic attack, where did you go morning?
Justin: I'll  explain when I get there.

And with that I turned my phone off. "Who was that?" Mark asked bringing my attention back to the present. "Justin he was asking where we were."
"Ok is he coming here because next lesson is going to start soon and I need to know if you're going to be ok."
"Yeah he's coming and I'll be fine we've got the same last lessons." He was sat down at his desk when he replied. "That's good, meet me here after last lesson, Alice wanted to take Justin somewhere." Justin ran in just before the bell went off. "Come on, lets get to English. You can explain on the way."

Mark's POV
"Hello, oh thank goodness you're the only person that didn't automatically close the door." I heard a woman, who looked like she'd been crying, at the door. "Have you seen my daughter she's about 5'4, brownish blond hair." At that point a door opened behind me and Miya walked in up to me. "Hey' Mark we need to get some more toothpaste."
"Miya, just give me a minute and then I'll add it to our order." I told her before turning back to the lady. "You were saying." As Miya pushed me out the way. "Mum?" She said surprising me. "Oh, sweetie are you ok?" Both of them had tears in their eyes. "Yeah I'm fine." Her mum brought her into an embrace. After she pulled away from the hug. She looked me straight in the eyes. "Why do you have my daughter?"
"I-I saved her." I tried to explain but she wasn't listening "Be quiet I'm going to call Tom." She gestured for me to sit down. "Hey Tom  you need to come to..." The conversation was silenced by the door closing behind her.

"I'm sorry." Miya said looking down at her shoes "No it's fine, I guess I don't seem that trustworthy at the moment."
"Tom is on his way!" Miya's mum announced as she came through the door. "Excuse me, I know I'm not the best person at the moment but." She cut me off before I could finish my sentence "No, I don't want to hear what you have to say." My heart was beating fast as I watched the door whilst Miya's mums eyes were locked on me. I saw a black car arrive in the driveway followed by a knock on the door. "That's him!" She said getting up to answer the door. I watched as a tall man ran up to Miya hugging her "It's ok, you're safe now!" Then he stared right at me his gaze like lasers. He started walking over towards me hands clenched by his sides before he punched me right in the head causing me to fall off the chair I was on. He lowered down to my level. "I'm going to make you pay!" His eyes turned evil before he kicked my side making me scram in pain. "Dad stop!" I heard Miya shout but as I looked over to her my vision became blurry. He hasn't done anything dad, trust me. He was the one who saved me."
"Well he can explain that to the police!" He said before he kicked me again making me black out.

A/N: Well if you haven't noticed by the amount of uploads this week I had a break off school but sadly it starts again tomorrow so expect chapters less often.
 Question of the chapter:
How do you think Mark will get out of this one?
How will Alice react when she gets home?

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