New Life

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Miya's POV
"How's your head?" I asked Mark as he walked into the house whilst pausing music playing in my ears. "It's better, just needed some quiet I mean at least I chose a day with lots of free lessons." He told me putting hi bag down. "Where is Justin and Alice?" He asked as the kettle was licked on and a mug was taken out of the cupboard. "They went into his room, he wanted to talk in private about something not sure what yet."
"Ok do you want to see if they want something to drink?" I knocked on the door before entering and whenI heard a reply I poked my head round the door. "Do you want something to drink, Mark has pt the kettle on." The or shook their heads so I left the room so try oil continue their conversation

"Can I ask you something?" I asked Mark as he put his mug down. "Sure what is it?"
"Well you've been alive a long time." He made a jokey offended face. "I mean I mean I guess but I'm not old." I was trying to work out how to phrase the question. "Well do you think there is a reason for life, I mean there has to be, why would we be here if we didn't need to be?' I said letting it all my thoughts out. He stayed silent for quite a while presumedly thinking about his answer. "I think you have to make your own reason for life, if you asked 100 people they will most likely all say different things depending on their oboes, interests and jobs. There's no simple definite answer to why we are here." My mind couldn't leave the topic. "What if you don't find a meaning to your life will you actually need to be here?" I certainly didn't know what my meaning was. "I mean at the moment I'm the reason who gets given all the bad things to dear wit. My life meaning cant be that its too terrible." My mind had gotten lost in this maze of a topic determined to find an answer to the unanswerable question. "But if you think about it you don't need to know yr meaning of life yet, just wait it will come to you."

Justin POV
"Do we really ave to do this, it seems stupid." I exclaimed as we were sat in my room. "After what you've told me it''s important that we do this" I douches back in the desk chair. "But I mean it really isn't that bad. I can cope with it, it's not ruining my life." She gave me a serious look. "But if that was the case you wouldn't have told me." I sighed realising this was all brought on by myself. " So what exactly do I have to do?" She got up and walked out the room. "Wait here I need to ran a few tings." Tea for closed behind her but it only felt like a few seconds before it was reopened. Alice walked in holding a piece of paper and a pencil placing them in front of me. I looked up at her caused. "Ok? So what do I do with these?" I question her seeing her smile before she answers. "Draw something, anything."

She was watching me intently as I drew the first things that came to y he's; a box, an arrow and a clock. As I put the pencil down she tabbed the paper from the desk. "Ok so these drawing can tell me a lot about you; wha your thinking, your personality and many more things. So all of these pictures have a hidden meaning. She pointed to the arrow. "See for example this arrow, it's pointing up which shows me your are ambitious or this clock it could mea the past, present r future. But for me it works as one all the pictures join together to have a bigger meaning." I lol down at them trying to decider it myself. "So i guess you cold say that the arrow is pointing to the clock couldn't you?" She looked at the picture and the back at me. "Well I guess if you look at it that way the box could be leading to the clock as the arrow shows movement." In the end Alice told me hat the picture meant that I felt contained or trapped due to my past and that sounds pretty true.

"When is Joel coming round next?" I asked as we were walking out into the living room. "Why do you ask?" Alice asked sitting down next to Mark on the sofa. "Well I just want to talk to him, it's been ages since he came last." I told her grabbing a glass f juice before sitting next to Miya. "I want to meet him, I've ever actually met him." Miya said sitting up next to me as she looked up from her phone. "We oils call him up I guess." Alice need to Mark "I suppose if he's no busy."

Miya's POV
"So Today is the day I get to meet the famous Joel." I said to Justin sort of giddy about it even tough he was just an at home therapist." I think e wants to talk to us outside of the one because it takes us away from a pressure, I think is what he said." Justin explained to me as there was a knock on the door and Mar shouted to us from the living room . "Guys Joel is here." Justin grabbed the bag filled wit our things as I put my hoodie on.

"Hey Joel is it ok if Miya joins us?"
"Yeah that's actually great because it might help what I want to talk to you about based on what Alice as told me." Joel said and I already liked him, he's so nice and e has only said one sentence. "Are we good to go then?" He seemed to focus the question to Mark who nodded. "How. Long do you think you'll be gone?"
"Well we are just going to that park down the road so I guess 2 hours at the most." Mark nodded as we walked side and started down the road. "So I was talking to Alice on the phone and she brought to my attention that you were also having some trouble getting over the past."
"We'll I've been fine for quite a while but then it's just came up i my mind again and also I've started having existential thoughts yesterday."
"Well i's normal to feel that, it's part of the PTSD but there are things that we could do like we could carry on with the sessions but more often or anther thing we could do, which you probably won't want to, is meditation it's just an option so we aren't forcing you to do anything by it could help" I've got to the point where I might actually take that option but I don't want it to change me. I've heard stories were the person who takes it feels trapped inside their bodies and I don't want to feel more trapped then I already am.

When we were at the park, Joel sowed us this statue right in the centre, a stone cracked in half, e said that it was token by the sea and cast aside from the rest to this pint. "To me this story symbolises the challenges of life that can single you out from the rest but no matter how broken you are you can still stand up and stay strong." I liked that, I'm not sure how true it is but I'd like to believe it is. "So I guess wherever you feel bad or lost then you could come here, I mean t's just down the rad, to think and watch the ocean through the gap." Joel suggested as he checked his watch. "AI guess we should get you the one before we start to worry anyone."

Mark's POV
"So wat should i do? What... Should I call them or leave a note? Do we go straight to the spotlight or do we wait." I asked Alice stress filling my flustered mind. "If you call them hen we can drive down or I could call them on the way." I grabbed the keys and bag and we got in the car, even tough we knew it wold happen soon I've never felt so unprepared in my life. "I don't ow what we should do?" My hands were asking as i gripped onto the steering wheel. "Just give me the phone and I'll call them." Alice seemed so calm and I don't know how. "Hey we are driving to the hospital now... no it's nothing serious... yes it will probably be today we re hoping... Mark will call you and most likely pick you up after so ou can meet him... Yes ok I ave to go now there should e some food in the fridge and a key under the mat." Alice replied down the pone to Miya who seemed to be worried too.

After a few long hours we had our little boy. "So what's his name?" The midwife asked "We're calling him Harvey." I responded as he was assed to me. I couldn't believe it, I was holding our little baby boy in my arms. "I better call Miya and Justin, tel them that I'm coming to pick them up."
"Ok but don't be too long." She replied kissing me as passed Harvey over. "Ok I won't." I felt bad leaving her but knew that if anything went wrong, hopefully nothing, that the best people are there to help her or Harvey.

"He's so cute!" I watched Miya as she elf Harvey, she was a natural but hen i offered for Justin to hold him he just shook his head nervously. "I don't want to hurt him." His ands were shaking as I held Harvey . "You won't ok just pt your arms like this and support his was and back." I instructed him slowly lowing Harvey into his arms. "There you go!" I heard Alice praise him from the hospital bed. "I'm going to make sure you don't have to go through anything I had to." I heard Justin whisper to him. "He won't have to with a big brother like you." I told im smiling. Everything is going to get better now that he is here.

Harvey Chapman, Saturday 14th January 2017 11:59pm 8st 6

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