Bailed Out

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This Chapter has some sensitive themes if you relate to any of them please call: 0800 068 41 41

"Justin!" I woke up to a whisper coming from the door, I looked around to see who it was. "Hey, what's up?" I looked at the clock it was three in the morning. "I can't sleep, so I thought I'd come see you." I was fine with Zoey waking me up early I love her. She sat down next to me on the bed. "I can't believe it's been a month!" I told her. "Yeah, when you leave in a month, when Mark comes out of prison don't leave me, don't forget about me please." I was shocked that she would even think that. "Hey don't think like that please, it breaks my heart." I grabbed her chin lightly and connected my lips with hers. "I love you so much." I told her bringing her closer to my chest, she laid down and I put my arm around her as she drifted of to sleep. As I looked down at her I started to feel bad about what I had done, I promised her and myself that i would never do it again but I looked at my other arm through the darkness. I saw the scars that were made by me. My mind went to dark places the other night and I saw a knife in front of me at dinner, it seemed like the only other option so I stole the knife and brought it to my room sitting there for the next 20 minutes ruining myself.

"What is going on here!" I woke up to the sound of Mrs Grimes' voice, as I sat up I saw that Zoey was still asleep next to me. "It's not... she couldn't sleep." I tried to explain. "You know the rules, you can't share a room you can't just disobey the ones you don't like." Zoey made a noise next to me as she started to wake up. "Excuse me Zoey, can you come with me please?" Mrs Grimes ordered her calmly. I watched her get up from beside me and I started to feel cold without her by myside. She walked out with Mrs Grimes so I decided I might as well get up too. After I got dressed I walked out into the kitchen so I could get some breakfast but I heard murmuring from groups of people as I did . Before I was able to make breakfast a social worker walked towards me. "Justin you need to follow me please, grab your phone before though." I walked to my room and quickly got my phone and whilst walking through the hall I saw Zoey. "Hey are you ok?" She nodded her head and walked past me quite fast as if she was trying to get away from me. I followed the social worker into the small room and sat down in the smaller chair facing a desk with a bigger chair behind it.

As I sit in front of her I pulled my sleeves up so she couldn't see all the scars where metal touch flesh. "You can relax ok Justin we just need to talk about some precautions we need to take now." I grabbed the end of my sleeve. "Precautions?" I asked her bluntly. "What did I do? Am I a danger to people, because you have you're facts wrong!" I shouted digging my nails into my hands until I felt something wet gather in my palm. "Can you pull up your sleeves please." She asked calmly but I just held them down tighter as I watched her phone someone. "Yeah we might need him... send him in here.. Great thanks." She put the phone down with a smile. "Take as long as you like." Her voice was still calm which comforted me as the door opened behind me. "Justin someone's on the phone for you." I heard Shane say as he passed the phone to me. "Hello?" I said down the line. "Hey Justin." A calming voice said down the line making me tear up slightly. "I'm ok, Miya's fine you don't need to worry." I said to him. "You're going to be fine all of you but you need to listen to them, think of the as Alice and the games we used to play at home for your mind ok?" I was crying now. "I will, just like we used to do at home. I miss you a lot."
"I know you do, I miss you guys everyday." I heard a voice in the background "I have to go Justin but promise me you'll try to think positively." I hated that I had to say goodbye to him so soon. "I promise Mark, I do!" Then the phone went silent.

Shane was about to leave when I turned to face him. "Please stay, I know it would make things easier." Shane looked up at the woman. "Yeah if you can that would great." Shane sat down in the chair next to me. "Justin can you pull up your sleeves please." She asked me again this time I did what she said revealing the scars, some new some old, all signs of getting worse even though it made me feel better "This is what I'm talking about, why you need some precautions made." She explained to me before Shane spoke up. "Sorry for interrupting but I've worked with kids like this before and secluding them doesn't help, If anything it makes things worse!" He seemed to be getting angry which is a change to how I normally see him but I wasn't scared of him because he was fighting for me, for what will happen when he has to leave and I liked this side of him. "I'm sorry officer but I'm just following protocol which says that in his circumstances this needs to happen." Her tone was very formal as she spoke. "So Justin I'm going to check the paperwork over for you so feel free to talk with Shane." As she left I saw her click a button on the wall.

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