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                                                                    Miya's POV
Me and Justin have started walking to school, Mark offers but then we spend ten minutes waiting for people to turn up. "Wait you really ate a moth when you were little?" Justin asks taking the other earphone out now committed to the conversation. "Yeah I think I was three but the best thing is my mum didn't even try to stop me but filmed it!" I told him making him cringe slightly. "Did it flap its wings inside your mouth." He flapped his arms up and down like wings making me laugh before he wrapped them round me and gave me a kiss.

"Good morning Justin, Miya." Mrs Dunn greeted us at the gate. "Morning Mrs." Justin says as we made our way towards the science block getting to the door as the bell went. "Today is silent reading so get your books out." Mark said causing the class to murmur their complaints. "I know you don't want to but id you read for about twenty minutes without any disruptions, the last ten minutes can be free time."  He said glancing at the clock before his eyes went back to his laptop. "Justin!" I shout whisper to him making him look up. "I'm so bored!" He laughed a little as I put my head on the desk to further the joke. "Miya! Are you reading?" Mark shouted and in response I over exaggerated picking up the book and flicking the pages making other people in the class laugh including Justin. "Miya outside!" I got up and mouthed to Justin 'stressy!' As he tried to contain his laughter I walked out the door closing it behind me.

I watched Mark walk to the door an angry look on his face as he opened it sticking a foot in the door so he could still hear the class. "What were you supposed to be ding this tutor?" He asked. "Read which I was doing." I told him seeing how long I can keep the joke going. "Why do you think you can be different to everyone else?" I put my index finger on my chin. "Um let me think, maybe because of everything that has happened this year. I don't know but that should be a reason." After I said that I kind of regretted it. "Well you're going to come back at break to read for twenty minutes and if this carries on I'll take your phone away at home."
"What, are you going to ask my teachers?" I said sarcastically not giving up. "Just sit back down in the classroom." He looked worn out already not it was not even first lesson.

Justin's POV
I watched as Miya walked back into the classroom smirking to herself as an annoyed Mark followed but as she sat down her smirk disappeared and she starts reading. "Sir when can we stop reading?" Louise asks putting her book down. "Well it was going to be now but because I've had to talk to one of you it's going to be until the end of tutor." Everyone turned their gaze to Miya in an angry way. "But that's not fair!" Louise added "It was just her."
"Well you can file your complaints to Miya then." The looked aimed at Miya moved back to their books in annoyance. "Miya." I whispered to her without a response so I just turned back to my book wishing for the ten minutes to go quick as I no longer wanted to read about Lockwood anymore. "Ok guys the bell is about to go so if you put your books away." As I was walking out I heard a crowd of people behind me and Miya laughing but as i looked around they stopped.

As I sat down in English the same group of people were murmuring whilst looking at me, this has been happening all morning and I'm not sure why but I just ignored them again. "So we need some people to read the characters for Act 3, Scene 2." Our English teacher explained the task to us. "Yeah I know, I mean that must be so weird." I heard someone in the group murmur behind me. "Can we quiet down please." She said before asking the first person to read. "Hey how is your dad?" Someone asks me as we started the writing task. "I bet he loves it in prison." They told me trying to get a reaction from me but i continued to ignore him. "I bet there's one thing that he misses." Then another voice chimed in. "But you do it to yourself now don't you, we've all seen the scars Justin." He grabbed my wrist and pulled up the sleeve. I turned around and punched him. "Shut up! Just stop!" I shouted before hitting him again hearing the teacher shout behind me.

                                                                         Mark's POV
As the class left I saw Miya at the door waiting for all of them to leave, I heard she does this a lot which makes her late for lessons because she doesn't want to cause a fuss. When everyone was gone I gestured for her to sit down. "Get your book out, ok" I spoke in a calm way because after she had brought up the whole kidnapping situation again it made me think about how I spoke towards her. In the corner of my eye I saw one of the lab technicians walk in. "Mark I've been told that Justin is in the head teachers office and David wants to speak to you." I sighed as I got up poking my head into the staffroom. "I've got to go to office but Miya is here to silent read, so can you keep an eye on her please." I told them before leaving to go to the office.

"What happened?" I saw Justin sat in one of the chairs outside of the office holding an icepack to his bruised hand and opposite him was a boy holding one to his face. "It wasn't my fault." was all that he said. "Well what happened then because it looks like you beat someone up." I told him, why were both of this acting like this today? "He said something about my dad." The boy across from us looked up. "Well it was all truth and I was just asking. You didn't have to give me a black eye about it." I couldn't work out who the kid was because of his beaten face. "Can you just stay out of it." I told him getting quite annoyed. "So what's going to happen now?" I asked turning to Justin but only getting a shrug in response. I got up realising I wasn't going to get much more information. I walked over to the receptionist. "Do you know what's going on?" She just shook her head in response. "All I know is that he is either going in isolation or mentor for the day."
"Do you know if Mrs Emling is free?" The receptionist typed something "Yeah she should be, do you what me to get her for you?" I looked over at Justin. "If you could that would be great."

"You need to learn a different way to react when this happens, to not just lash out at people." Justin looked fed up as Mrs Emling told him this but also annoyed at me for bringing it up. "Well it's not something you talk about." He said trying to put his point across. "Yes and that will be dealt with but if it happens again you need to think before you do." I explained to him, exaggerating the 'if'. "Well how am I going to do that are you saying i should block up my emotions because that is the complete opposite on what you've been telling me before this. You can't just go back on your word like that." He was really trying to get his voice heard but I could tell it wouldn't happen that easily. "Ok I just suggest that you have a read through this and take it in mind not just for this situation but everyday life." Her voice was calm but slightly rushed almost as if she wanted the conversation to be over.

"So I think it would be best if he was put in isolation and not mentor just in case something starts again." The head teacher informed me before Justin followed him down the hall, leaflet in hand from Mrs Emling leaving me to walk back to science. When I got there Miya was still sat reading looking really bored. "Ok you can go now." I told her and as she was putting her book away she asked "So what did Justin do?"
"Well lets just say a boy said something about his family and he reacted in the wrong way." I told her trying to stray away from talking about who did it and exactly what they had said.

                                                                Miya's POV
I went to meet Justin so we could walk home and when I got to the gate he had his earphones on and was playing with the end of the sleeves, which he does when he was upset, whilst looking down at the floor. "What's up?" I asked tapping him on the shoulder lightly before so. "I'm alright it's just something stupid." He replied taking a earphone out as we started to walk. "What did they say?" I asked as I waved to one of my friends leaving in the distance. "Something about my dad but it's ok." I decided to drop the subject as he obviously didn't went to talk about it. "How was break then?" He asked me trying to rid the awkward silence. "It was fine near then the end I just started drawing random things because no one was in the room."

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