At Last! - A happy ending

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Miya's POV
Today we are going to talk to these reporters about the past year, Alice told us we didn't have to but I guess if people are interested they should have the right to know. I've been told that viewpoint is wrong in a lot of situations, that somethings are 'best kept private.' it makes me laugh the silly phrases my mum had and how superstitions have made her everyday life ten times more difficult as she avoids the ladders, black cats and three drains on her walk to work. It's really nice when they come to visit but I don't feel a connection anymore, it's more like we are really good friends you know the person; The person who knows every little thing about you, all the embarrassing things you did when you were little, all the idiots you dated, those friends. Leo has told me how he is top of his class and shows me the certificates he has won, that's the only time where I start feeling bad that I'm missing the big moments in his life, I feel that I should be there for him more then I am now.

As we got to the station memories flooded back to when I first came him after I was rescued from John, his name still make a shiver go down my back. "This way guys, we are going in room 3." A police man said as  he led us down a long hallway, on one side were overnight cells and on the other interview rooms. The room we were cooped into was quite large with 3 chairs on one side of the table and 2 on the other. Me, Mark and Justin sat on one side, Alice had to stay at home with Harvey, then 2 reporters came in starting to ask us questions and it was difficult to retell the story of the past year that has been haunting me so much.

The last question was addressed to all of us. "How do you feel the past year has changed?" All through the interview their voices were calm and I appreciated it. I took a deep breath before answering. "Sometimes when I think back to a year ago when I first ran away, when I didn't even know what a proper adventure was... I  mean I could talk about the negatives for ages but I don't want to remember it that way so I think of the positives, no matter how few there are it's important. In the past year I've met my wonderful boyfriend Justin, my adorable baby brother Harvey and two people who are so great to me Mark and Alice." When I finished talking the interviewer turned to Mark and Justin.

"I guess that this year I have found a new perspective on life, making it the best year of my life. I had the courage to do things I never imagined I would do, I mean put my dad in prison after 12 years of torment, so even though the year has been crazy that is why it has been the best year for me." Justin said as I watched the man in front of  us was writing down everything he said as he said, it which felt weird to me but I think it was nice to get my feelings out, almost soothing as if as I said it the memories would go with the words . Then Mark started to speak and my mind went into a light daydream as I leant on Justin's shoulder his presence  calming me.

Mark's POV
As Justin and Miya answered he question I was trying to work out how to answer the question , I mean how has the past year changed me all I could think of is the PTSD I had developed when the kids were thinking of the best. "Mark what do you think this past year has done for you?" I started to gather my thoughts together trying to make a sentence. "Well I don't know how long it will take for us to get over the events of the past year but I know somehow we will. When we do I want to do as many things as I can because this may have given me PTSD but also a new look on how I should direct my life, to protect my family and make sure Harvey doesn't have to go through anything we had to." I hated to be the only negative one but it's the fact that I have found it hard to think positively since my month in prison. "I've thought about how Miya's nickname from John came about and how rushed Josephine felt about leaving him it's terrible. I still have those nightmares about me turning into him but I don't tell Alice because it will stress her out and she doesn't need this, especially now. I mean what will the world be if they aren't in it?

"Ok that is all." One of the reporters said rustling some paper before standing up and leading us out the door. Justin and Miya were holding hands and I just wanted to get home to see my wife and child. As we got into the car I started driving when Miya addresses us all. "Personally, I feel that telling people what has happened makes me feel better about what has happened." I looked back at her in the car mirror seeing her head on Justin's shoulder as I turned the radio on lightly tapping on the steering wheel to the beat, my mind wondering slightly.

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