Chapter 2

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My parents were waving to me as I boarded the train. They don't know who my mate it because I lied that I had no clue. I don't want them killing my mate.

There weren't any more empty rooms to sit in on the train. Just semi empty or full. Finally I found one that wasn't full but of course the mudblood,Weasel, and Potter were there. I decided I might as well try to get on good terms with the golden trio. "Can I sit here? Everywhere else is full." Ron was about to say something when the mudblood cut him off. "Sure!" she said excitedly. "All right." said Harry. Ron grumbled something I couldn't make out while Granger and Harry smiled slightly.

The next few minutes were spent in silence. The person to break the silence was Harry. "Why are being so nice Draco?" I blinked. "Yeah" Ron pipped in, "you haven't made one cruel comment to any of us yet!"I sighed "Listen, I guess I just regret what I did in the past." Hermione asked "Why the sudden change of heart?" Gosh, what should I tell them, I might as well get it over with... "I, I'm a veela and Harry is my mate..." I mumbled just loud enough for them to hear. Ron chocked on his chocolate frog, Hermione spit out her pumpkin juice and Harry's eyes looked like they would pop out of his head. Then I quickly added "Don't say that you reject me or I'll die, please just think on it." Harry nodded and Hermione now had a smirk on her face. Ron just looked like he saw a giant spider. (haha, get it? Of course you do, OK continue reading please)

Time skip to the end of the day
I was really nervous of what Harry would say. If he accepted me I wouldn't die and I would have my crush since first year. Win-win. But if he rejects me.... I fell asleep on that thought.

When I woke up I felt a strong happiness for no apparent reason. Then my wings grew out of back ripping my silk pajamas.Great, I really liked them. I got out of bed still feeling happy and got dressed. We have classes today but that didn't bring my happiness down. I got to the great hall and sat at the Slytherin table. Harry was smiling like an idiot. I'll ask him about it later.

Our first class was potions with my god father. He decided to pair us up with partners that we would have for the rest of the year. Blaise was with Ron, Hermione was with Pansy and I was with Harry. Well, maybe I can ask him if he decided what he would choose.

He sat down next to me "You make the potion and I will get the ingredients, OK?" he asked "OK." I responded (anybody see what I did there?) we were making any potion we liked, we opened to a random page and started the potion. After we were done and Snape approved I faced Harry "Have you thought it over?" I asked slightly worried for what his response would be. "Yeah, I have actually." I was growing impatient "And!?! " Harry fiddled with his hands and he finally spoke "I mean I don't really have a choice, so yeah." I was relieved but sad at the same time, but then he added " And you happened to be my crush since first year" he blushed. I smiled then I remembered to ask him something. "Harry?" "hmm" he replied "Why were you so happy in the morning, you were smiling like an idiot and felt a strong happiness this morning too, I think I can feel your emotions." he looked at me strangely "Have you been spying on me?" he asked mocking shock. I rolled my eyes "Potter, just answer the question" I drawled. He straightened up and told me about his aunt, uncle and cousin and how he got to be away from them. The sounded terrible. I got a protective feeling over Harry at that moment. "Professor Snape." I called politely, he came over "What is it mister Malfoy." he said with a sneer that I knew was forced and I smiled a little. He knew about me and Harry so I whispered to him that I needed to take Harry somewhere just loud enough for Snape to hear, he nodded and went over to Neville who already melted his cauldron.

I took Harry out of the room despite his protests and into the the Room of Requirement. I sat him down on a couch and I sat next to him. "Harry, does your so called family... Um, abuse you by any chance?" he looked at me with fear in his eyes. Then looked down at his hands. "Harry" I said pushing him to tell me. "Yes..." he whispered, he sounded ashamed of himself. "What did they do?!"I said raising my voice a little. No response. His eyes were watering and then he broke down sobbing. I pulled him close to me and he cried into my shoulder making my shirt damp but I didn't care. After 5 minutes he stopped crying, just a sniffle every so often. "I'm sorry" he apologized. "Harry, you have nothing to be sorry for, your aunt, uncle and cousin are terrible people and they don't have any right to abuse you. Please tell me what they did." he stared at his shoes for a second, took a deep breath an said. "It would be easier to show you the damage they did rather than explain." he pointed his wand at himself and took off some glamours. Oh no. He looked way skinnier than he was in the robe shop, he must've used glamours then too. He had a gash across his check, I gasped. Then he proceeded to take off his shirt. There were more bruises than his natural skin tone. His bruised skin was blue, purple, and yellow. He looked like he had a few broken ribs too. "Harry..." I said not sure what so say. He looked down at his shoes once more and said "I know, I'm disgusting." then I got upset with whoever told him that along with being furious with his 'family'. "No" I said "you are so beautiful is every way imaginable." He looked up at me in shock "How can anyone think that I'm beautiful?" I almost broke down on the spot but I had to stay strong, for Harry. So I did the most reasonable thing a person would do when they find out their mate was abused. I stood up, walked towards where Harry was standing and kissed him passionately. Surprisingly he kissed back just as passionately. I slid my tongue across his bottom lip begging for an entrance. He pulled away and said with a smirk "Not now, I only accepted you as my mate 15 minutes ago, that's not nearly enough time to have a make out session." he said still grinning, I rolled my eyes. "Well, we should get you to Madam Promfey. You have some broken bones that need to be attended to." he looked at me pleadingly "Please don't, everybody will think I am weak!" ugh, he is so difficult "Love, I know that you don't want to but you need to get this fixed up. You are hurt and I will get you up there if I have to hex you!" he sighed knowing he was defeated and I dragged him to the hospital wing. Madam Promfey took one look at him and frowned "Harry dear, how did this happen?" she asked sweetly. He looked at me, silently asking me to help "I'll explain" i said. She nodded and led me out of the room, I explained while she took notes. She said thanks and that I could stay with Harry.

"Harry, love?" he looked up and said "Hey Dray." my heart skipped a beat at the nickname. "I can stay here for the night if you want me to" he pretended to think over his options "Yes I suppose." he sighed and I rolled my eyes. I slid into bed next to him.

I woke up the next day with my wings wrapped around Harry, he had his arms around my waist. I smiled at him and his eyes fluttered open, he moved closer to me and used my chest as a pillow. " g'mornin Dray" he said sleepily. I kissed his forehead then his nose.

A little while later Harry was given potions to help him feel better along with healing potions and we were sent off to classes.

Hey guys!!!  Another chapter finished!, this chapter is longer than the other one so that's good, I stayed up until 2:00 am last night to work on this. I won't always be able to finish two in one weekend, but there is nobody reading this so it doesn't really matter 😂 If you are reading by any chance please vote and comment constructive criticism or what you like!
That's about it, thanks guys!!!

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