Chapter 7

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Look what I made! It only took an hour *note the sarcasm* well I don't have much more to say so read on!

Harry's POV
"NOOOOOOOOO!" I screamed. The whole class went into chaos. "Ridikkulous!" shouted Lupin. I ran up to Draco who was still lying motionlessly on the ground. Helpless. I picked Draco up bridal style and ran to the infirmary. Madam Promfey had to be able to help....right?

I accidentally knocked a 1st year down but I didn't help her us since my main priority is Draco so I yelled sorry and kept running. I reached the hospital wing within another minute and laid Draco down on a "bed" if you could call it that. Madam Promfey rushed over immediately and asked worriedly what had happened. I explained rather quickly then ran out of the infirmary. I couldn't stand see Draco so helpless.

I ran until I came across the ROR. I asked for a place to relax and went inside. The first thing I noticed was that it was Slytherin colored. Strange. But then I saw a girl. Tall, black hair with green streaks, piercing green eyes like mine and I sensed something strange about her.
"Hello." she said politely. "Hi..." it came out cracked and weak. "I uh....heard what happened, you OK?" I starred at her for a few seconds. Did someone actually care about m leave beside my friends and Draco? "Yeah, I'm fine." but even to my own ears it sounded forced. Her face changed from unsureness to sympathy.

Then the mysterious girl did someone incredible that I've only seen one other person do before.....

She ripped her wings out from her back and they looked exactly like Draco's.

OK so this is probably the shortest chapter I've written so far but I wanted some suspense. I'll either upload the next chapter soon today or at night. Bye guys!

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