Chapter 3

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OMG! Guys you are literally the best! I got 11 likes in total!!! I didn't even think I would get 3 views!!! Tell me what to improve, what ships you want, and give me ideas and feedback, your comments make my day!  By the way, the picture above is what I drew. So off to the story now.
Draco's P.O.V.

Dumbledore changed our schedules so that we would have the same classes. Our first class was transfiguration, Harry managed to change a rock into a ferret. He told me that he changed it into a ferret because my insides are stone cold. I growled at him and continued my work.

All of sudden Harry started whimpering in pain. "Hey Harry, what's wrong?" I whispered. He said nothing at all and started to chew on his lip. Then his hands shot up to his forehead. "Harry, it's just a little headache, stop over reacting." I said it slightly to annoyed and he glared at me. He stood up, went to the front of the room and whispered something to Professor McGonagall whose eyes widened slightly. She told him something and he ran out of the room. I'd have to ask either Harry, Weasley or Granger about it later. Then Professor McGonagall said "Mr. Malfoy, please visit the infirmary where you will find Mr. Potter." I got up, handed her my finished work and headed towards the hospital wing.

When I got there Harry was laying down on a bed if you could call it that. "Harry" I whispered trying not to wake up other patients. He mumbled something then sat up "What!?! What could you possibly want from me right now?! Tell me to stop trying to get attention over a little headache? Because no, it's not a head ache, it's much much worse." I stared at him for about 3 seconds. I started to speak again "No, Har-" he cut me off. "It's not the physical pain that worries me though," he said with his eyes squinted and in a low dangerous voice. "It means Voldemort is getting stronger, he is coming back." he pushed his hair away from his scar, is was covered in blood. He looked like he was on the verge of tears.

"Harry" I whispered, then I walked over to him and touched his scar softly. He winced and I pulled back. "Harry, why isn't Madam Promfey tending to your scar?" I just realized she was in the other room. "I told her to help the others first since they have more serious injuries." I hugged him and started to cry in his shoulder. I felt so bad about what I said earlier. "Shh Dray, I'm okay, your okay, everything is okay." "But Harry, I was so awful to you before, and I just showed you earlier I can still be mean." I sobbed into his shirt. He pulled me close and said soothing things into my ear that I could hear. (Aye, that runes) Then he kissed me passionately and I kissed back. He ran his hands around my waist as I straddled his hips and I grabbed the back of his neck with on hand while the other went through his hair,after about 5 minutes we stopped, then Madam Promfey came in as if we were in a book (what's good Draco? This is what we call a fan fiction, not a book) She tended to Harry's scar and we were excused from classes the rest of the day.

Hey again, sorry this is really short, I just wanted to upload and get some Drarry action in there. I'm gonna try to update again either today or tomorrow. Till then *tips top hat and bows but fails miserably so falls awkwardly*

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