Chapter 10 (I got it right this time)

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Harry's P.O.V

After a few hours I calmed down and realized how dumb I was to do what I did. But I deserve it I reminded myself.

Hermione and Ron paid me a visit in my room since I refused to go to the hospital wing. We haven't been very close lately. I'm not really sure that I mind. They will always be friends just

ot great friends. The closest friends that Harry has are Bri, and Draco even though Draco was technically his boyfriend.

After Hermione and Ron bid me a good day and left I took a nap. I normally can't take naps but I was exhausted. When I woke up I saw Draco in a chair near me. Then when my vision focused a little more I saw another two people. I reached out for my glasses and I could feel everyone look at me. When I sat up and got situated everything was clear. The two boys were the ones that found all of them in the bathroom.

Draco spoke "Hello Sleeping Beauty." I smiled shyly. Draco motioned to the boys "These are.....sorry, I forget." he mumbles sheepishly. The shorter boy chuckles then speaks. "Alexander Hamilton, my name is Alexander Hamilton." I smile warmly at him "Nice to meet you Alexander, Draco might have mentioned me. I'm Harry." he nodded then the other boy spoke up. "I'm John Laurens and the place to be." he smiles broadly. I chuckle a little and say "Nice to meet you also."

Bri walks in, says hello to everyone then says that she needs to check on something. I look back to everyone and noticed something that nobody else has seemed to notice since they were all looking after me. John and Alexander would often look at each other while the other looked another way with the same eyes Harry looks at Draco. Harry smirks to himself and gives him a self note to tell Draco that they have to set them up. they're already setting up one sate, how much work can another be?

A few weeks passed and we were all becoming good friends with Alex and John. They told us that they recently transferred from Durmstrang because they recently moved. When we asked they said it had to do with a girl that would never stop getting into their life. Maria was it? And someone else named George the 3rd. But that doesn't matter anymore. Apparently some of their other friends came here that we haven't met. One has this really long name so we all call him Lafayette. The other one was named Hercules Mulligan. Apparently he would always spy on the teachers so they coups see the cheat sheets for tests. I'd have to remember that, it could come in handy.

We decided to meet up at Quidditch field to meet Lafayette and Hercules. Apparently they were dating so that's cool.

When we got there two men were on brooms that I assumed were the people we were to meet. The flew down and the dark skinned male shouted "Hey! Are you Harry? Then you must be Draco! Nice to meet you guys!" we all grin and shake their hands. "A oui oui mon ami j a'mapelle Lafayette!" says the other one. "I'm Hercules Mulligan but I need no introduction." we all laugh at this.

"Wanna play?" Bri asked. We all say sure that the same time and give out positions. We did different amounts of people so there would be enough for two teams
Team Turtle:

Team 51:

Since we didn't have enough people we got Luna to play with us. She was originally gonna round up some nargles but said this sounded like more fun.

After a few hours of playing the score was 160-150 team Turtle was winning! But if Draco caught the snitch we would lose so we still had to play our best. I saw a flicker of gold in the corner of my eye but I dive the other way trying to fake out Draco. He falls for it and follows me. I skillfully steered back to where I saw the snitch when Draco flew ahead of me. But when I get there it's nowhere to be found. Then I spotted it again. It was tangled in Luna's hair!

She was calling Draco to catch it quickly. But I'm closer to her so I flew up to her and grab the snitch that got finally out of her hair. I shouted in glee and everyone fly's to the ground. Lafayette was laughing in Hercules's face. Draco gave me a hug. Alex and John were awkwardly congratulating each other. Luna and Bri were casually talking.

We left because we had 5 minutes until curfew. After we got to the Gryffindor common room with Alexander (he was also sorted into Gryffindor), I pull him into my room. He looks confused and I let out a huff of air.

"Alex, dude, I know you have a crush." he immediately turns bright red. "I   d-don't know what you mean." I rolled my eyes.

"If you love this man go get him, what are you waiting for?" he sighed. "I don't think he is gay." damn he's oblivious. "Alex, first of, if he isn't gay he might be bi. And second of all its so obvious that he is in love with you."

He looks shocked, as if this couldn't be. "Are you sure?" he asked sceptically. "Yeah, even if you didn't know this you should have done it anyway. Take a shot Alex. We don't know when we will die, it could be in our sleep or several feet ahead of us. We could get shot in a gun fight for all we know. You may not see your glory but you need to start accomplishing small goals one at a time if you want to move on to bigger goals. This is the perfect place to start." I took a breath after that speech then looks at him. He was smiling.

"OK, I'll do it Harry. Thank you so much. I could write a book on how much I know this will impact my life." I smirk and say "What are waiting for then!" he laughs a little and we use my invisibility cloak to sneak into the Slytherin dorms. I see Draco and Bri playing exploding snap and John is in the corner feeding a few turtles.

I whisper so nobody hears me, "Alex, I'll knock over the tea that's by Draco on his robes so he will go upstairs to change them. John will probably follow him since he is a caring guy. If he doesn't I'll take the food he is using for his turtles so he will have to fetch some more. OK?" He nodded

As Draco moved slightly knocking into the table I took this as my chance and spilled his tea. He screeched and ran to his room. John looks up to see what happened then followed upstairs. When they both went into the room Alex and I took off the invisibility cloak now that it didn't matter anymore and knocked on the door. John opened it quickly and let us inside asking why we were here. "We have to tell you guys something." I look at Alex who is clearly nervous. "Alex, is everything alright?" asks John. He was very concerned Harry noticed and he smirked. Draco came out off the bathroom q ND looked at his friends with a questioning glance. I shook my head as a signal to talk about it later. He nodded.

Alex cleared his throat. "John, er, I know that we are really great friends but I wanted to ask something of you that is kind of crazy for best friends to ask of each other." Alex looked at the ground but quickly looked back up at John. "Sure, what is it? I'm sure it won't be too much of a big deal right?" I almost snorted. Draco seemed to know what was going on because he was just leaning against the wall with a smug look on his face. He looked like he was about ready to get some popcorn.

"Alex, I also need to ask you something. You can ask first though."
Alex breathed out then looked John straight in the eye and asked "John Laurens, will you be my boyfriend?"

I'm sorry for the cliffhanger (not really) but I updated twice in one day! Magic right here. So I'm yeah, some of my favorite ships are in this. If you guys haven't guessed who these people are from its from Hamilton on Broadway the musical and in history. Yeah, I ship some of the founding fathers, deal with it 😎 so yeah. Um, am I forgetting anything? Oh yeah, so Hamilton was actually shot on my birthday, July 11th and died the following day. And I'm cancer so for the picture in John Laurens! Don't forget to vote and comment if you like things.
OK, bye loves 👋

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