Stole My heart - Harry Styles fan fic part 3

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I woke up way before Sarah so I decided to get dressed and go for a walk in the park opposite the hotel. As soon as I stepped outside of the hotel lobby the morning practically slapped my face and turned my cheeks pink. I must have looked so attractive. Anyway, so I crossed the road and started my stroll through the park. After around ten minutes of walking I found a bench surrounded by blossom trees and flowers, I sat down and checked my phone for messages.

Oh gosh they were mostly from my mum.

18:55 – 27/3/2012


Hope you’re having a great time J Make sure you keep in touch and don’t get in any trouble <3 x

19:30 – 27/3/2012


Are you alright? X

21:00 – 27/3/2012

Harry Styles:

Hope you’re enjoying the show J Ill come and see you when I can xxx

23:00 – 27/3/2012


I’m guessing the fact you’re not replying means you’re having a good time? X

0:00 – 28/3/2012


Happy 16th birthday J Hope Harry is looking after you x

0:01 – 28/3/2012


Happy birthday future Mrs Styles ;) I can see you and you’re sleep talking and snoring but oh well just thought I would mention it. Thanks for inviting me along to your Ron de vous with Harry <3 Have a good day x

I got distracted by a piece of blossom falling onto my face, the park looked amazing at this time. My thoughts were then interrupted by Harry emerging through some trees.

‘AHHH, Jeeze get out of my face you stupid twig’

‘Harry why didn’t you just use the path?’

‘Because I wanted to be more exotic than that’


‘Yes... exotic’

‘What exactly is it that makes you climbing through a bush exotic?’

‘The fact that it’s me’

‘Right okay. How did you know I was here anyway?’

‘I heard you leave so I decided to follow you’

‘Because that’s not creepy’

Harry came and sat down cross legged on the bench next to me. Why did he have to be so hot? Things would be so much easier if he was ugly.

‘I’m not creepy!’

‘Okay Harry, you keep telling yourself that. Anyway why did you follow me?’

‘I wanted to talk to you’


‘Because it’s a certain person’s birthday’



‘And who would this be?’


‘How did you know?’

‘I’m great’

‘You’re really not that great’

‘You’re such a bloody liar’

‘You’re not great’

Stole My heart - Harry Styles Fan ficWhere stories live. Discover now