Stole My heart - Harry styles Fan Fic Part 2

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The show was amazing. We sat up in the VIP section admiring Harry and the boys. Then my happiness was ruined by Caroline Flack.

‘Um who are you?’

‘I’m Saskia and this is my friend Sarah’

‘Why are you up here? You’re not even famous’

‘I’m up here because I was personally invited by Harry, unlike you who is just here because you’re an idiot.’

‘Why would he personally invite you?’

‘I don’t know ask him if you’re that bothered’

‘You are just jealous because me and Harry have something special’

‘Caroline i’m really not that bothered, i’m here as a friend so what does your opinion matter? Also i’m not jealous of a 32 year old who feels the need to harass me’

Then I was saved by Harry.

‘Saskia! How was the... Caroline what the hell are you doing?’

‘I was just talking to your friend but it’s okay i’m going now’

‘Well go then, I thought I’d already got through to you, go away and leave me alone. I don’t want to talk to you after everything that’s happened with our so called relationship. There is no relationship, there never will be a relationship so just leave!’

Caroline left swearing at me and Harry.

‘I’m sorry about her and what she said to you’

‘It's okay she wasn’t really saying much’

‘Are you sure?  She was out of order’

‘Yes Harry i’m fine’


Harry Pulled me into a hug and over his shoulder I could see Sarah stood grinning at us and Louis stood next to her smiling at... actually i’m not quite sure, it was probably a carrot or something. Anyway, back to the hug, it was by far one of the best hugs ever.

It was late by the time we left the venue so me and Sarah went straight to our hotel room leaving the boys in theirs after their show. After talking for hours, me and Sarah eventually called it a night.

Stole My heart - Harry Styles Fan ficWhere stories live. Discover now