Stole My Heart - Harry Styles Fan fic part 13

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Walking into school was alright but once I was inside I soon became aware of everyone either looking at me or talking about me. I continued my usual routine and went down to Sarah’s form room. Everyone was outside including Jess, Sophie, Charlotte and Sarah.

‘SASKIA!’ Jess screamed


‘I heard about your week, and I saw the paper’

‘Oh god’

‘So how was it?’

‘How was what?’

‘Your week?’

‘Oh that, it was amazing. We went to the book signing and the concerts and oh it was just perfect’

‘Have you spoken to Harry since you left?’

Then Sarah stuck her nose in.

‘Of course she has, he’s at her house’

I looked at her with a face like death.

‘Sarah! SHUT UP’

‘Sass, he’s at your house?’

‘Jess calm down and stop screaming, I don’t really want anyone to find out’


‘Because I don’t want everyone to know my business so please don’t tell anyone’

‘Okay I promise’

As the day progressed the comments about Harry got worse. I had people saying all sorts of things to me. I had been asked on a number of occasions if I was pregnant. Um no, I’m not even going out with Harry let alone sleeping with him. Where were they getting their information?

Stole My heart - Harry Styles Fan ficWhere stories live. Discover now