Stole My heart - Harry styles fan fic part 18

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The next few days were amazing. Harry took me sightseeing and then we met loads of famous people. He was being so lovely, I had to tell him how I felt.

When we got back to the apartment Harry went off to start cooking and I sat on the sofa talking to Jess and Sarah on Skype.

J = Jess    M= Me    S= Sarah

J - Guyyyyssss...

S – Yes...

M – Hello...


M – Yes?

J – How’s Harry?

M – He’s fine

S – Sass, what exactly have you been doing for the last 4 days?

M – Well, Harry took me sightseeing

J – Aw you sound like such a cute couple J

M – Jess were not together

S – Yeah jess, gosh keep up ;)

M – And what’s that supposed to mean?

S – Oh nothing, are you coming home any time soon?

M – Yeah I should be on Saturday, Why?

S – Oh it’s just, you and Harry practically live together now so I was just wondering

M – We do not :O

J – You kind of do...

M – Don’t start.

S – So where is Harry right now?

M – Cooking food...


S – Where’s Louis?

M – With Zayn making some kind of fortress in his apartment

J – So is Harry making food for just you and him?

M – Yeah...

S – See

M – Sarah, shut up.

S – Have you told him yet?

J – Told him what?

S – That she likes him...


S – Well duh.

M – Guys?

J – So she likes him, she’s at his house, she’s been with him for the last 4 weeks and they’ve been majorly flirting yet she still hasn’t told him?

S – Yeah, even after all of that she still won’t tell him even though he is blatantly in love with her.

M – Guys?

J – Silly, silly girl she is. If I was her I would tell him before somebody else gets there before her because put it this way, he’s not exactly ugly

S – Exactly, my point, right there

M – Right guys well I’m going to eat Harry’s food and then watch films so you just keep discussing mine and Harry's non existent relationship


S – Bye Styles shagger ;)

M – Shush

J – Ahaa styles shagger :L that was a good one

M – Oh go away

S - Byeeeee xx

Harry came and sat next to me on the sofa and handed me a plate of food. I really wanted to tell him but it just didn’t feel like the right time.

‘So Saskia is there anything else you want to do before you go home?’

‘There’s three things but two of them I have to do whilst doing the other thing’

‘Okay I’m confused but carry on’

‘I really want to go on the London eye at night’

‘That can be arranged’


‘What are the other things?’

‘It doesn’t matter’

‘Well yes it does’

‘No it doesn’t because you don’t need to worry yourself over something pointless’

‘But I want to know’

‘And I will tell you when the time is right’

‘Okay fine...’

‘Is it going to bug you now?’


‘Sorry, I’ll make it up to you eventually’

‘Yeah Ill make sure of it’

Then the door flew open and Louis and Zayn ran inside wearing war paint on their faces and screaming.

‘What the hell is going on?!’



‘Oh hey Harry don’t mind us’

‘Get out’


‘Because you’re making too much noise’

‘Oh, romantic night in?’

‘No, friends watching films night in’

‘Oh is that what it’s called now?’

‘Louis go away’




‘Stop being so annoying’

‘I’m not, I don’t want to go’

‘Why not?’


‘Because you want to annoy me’

‘No, because I live here’

‘Yes but that is not an excuse’

‘Yes it is’

‘Louis leave me alone’

‘Harry I’m older than you’

‘If you don’t leave I will tell sass about what happened at the hotel’

‘You wouldn’t!?’

‘I would’

‘Okay I’ll go’

‘Yup, go on then’

‘I hate you’

‘Love you too’


‘Oh, bye Zayn’

Stole My heart - Harry Styles Fan ficWhere stories live. Discover now