Stole My Heart - Harry styles Fan fic part 9

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Our stuff was packed into our suitcases and left on the beds. Harry had only just got back so I decided not to bother him and sat in the hotel room looking out of the window. Sarah had disappeared somewhere with Louis so I was all alone. I looked over at the park and smiled. This had definitely been one of the best weeks of my life. My camera was full of pictures:

·         The one of Me, Sarah and 1D at the book signing

·         Some from the train on the way home

·         At Wembley watching  1D

·         Sarah doing the sprinkler

·         Me and Niall playing rock paper scissors

·         Harry pulling his ‘cute’ face

·         Sarah and Louis

·         Me and Liam

·         Me and Harry hugging

·         Zayn drawing on my face

·         Caroline Flack swearing

·         Me laughing at the person on the side of the road

·         Me and Harry

·         The one that was inside my locket

·         Some from the park

·         Some that Sarah obviously took of me and Harry asleep

·         Some from when the boys stole the camera

I carried on looking out towards the park.

‘Looking forward to going home?’

I turned to see who said it. Harry was stood leaning against the wall.

‘In a way, but in other ways I’m not’

‘Whys that?’

‘I suppose I’ve had such a good time, I just don’t want it to end. Also everyone’s probably heard about that story in the paper’

‘If they say anything just ignore it. You and I know nothing happened or is happening, so if they want to talk, let them’


‘Ill miss having you around, you’re a laugh’

‘No other reasons?’


‘Okay sure’

Harry came and sat next to me on the bed and also looked out towards the park.

‘Oh Harry here’s your hoodie. Thanks for lending it to me’

‘Keep it’

‘But it’s your favourite?’

‘Well now it can be your favourite as well. Also it gives me an excuse to come and see you’

‘You don’t need an excuse, just turn up. Are you sure I can have it?’

‘Yes I’m sure’

‘Aww, thanks Hazza’

‘Don’t go’


‘Stay for longer, you can stay with me and Louis, just don’t go yet’

‘But I have to see my family, and what about school?’

‘Well I will come with you then and stay at yours and then you can go to school, get that all out of the way and then I’ll be at home waiting for you and then we can go to London?’

‘What would you do all day?’

‘Write songs and explore’

‘Explore what?’

‘Your school’

‘You can’t come to school with me’

‘Well on one of the days I will’

‘Harry are you being serious?’

‘100% serious’

‘Okay then’

‘What so I’m coming?’

‘If you want, it was your idea’


‘Calm down...’

Stole My heart - Harry Styles Fan ficWhere stories live. Discover now