Stole My Heart - Harry Styles Fan Fic part 15

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‘So Harry, you seemed to enjoy yourself at school yesterday’

‘It was... Interesting’

‘It looked it’

‘Were you okay? You seemed upset about something’

‘Yeah I was fine. I was just talking to Sarah’

‘About me?’


‘Right okay’

The car came to pick us up at this point so I had to say goodbye to my mum. She got all poncy and told me to keep in touch. I was like no mum, go away. Anyway back to the story, the journey down to London was... weird. Harry insisted on playing eye spy, Rock paper scissors and yellow car. Fun times. Eventually we pulled up outside the building that homed all of one direction. Unfortunately we weren’t the only ones. There outside the building was a group of paparazzi.

‘Sorry about this sass’

‘Harry it’s not your fault’

‘It is my fault they’re here’

‘Stop worrying’

‘Right hold my hand, we will have our bags brought up in a bit’


‘Just hold my hand and don’t let go’

I held onto harry's hand and he pushed our way through the crowd into the lift inside. Once we were in the lift Harry pressed the button for the top floor.

‘Lift going up’ said the lift.

Harry still had my hand in his, I didn’t complain though it felt nice to be close to him.

‘I hope Louis has been behaving while I’ve been gone’

‘He can’t have been that bad’

Oh how wrong I was. We opened the door to the apartment to reveal what should have been nice a nice and clean home, instead we walked in to find Louis and the kitchen completely covered in flour. He was sat cross legged in front of the oven stirring a bowl of icing. He turned around and saw us.


‘Louis, what the hell happened?’

‘I’m making you some carrot cakes’

‘So why exactly are you and the kitchen covered in flour?’

‘One of the bags fell off the side and went everywhere’

‘Yes I can see that’

‘I see you’ve got your girlfriend with you’

‘Lou, were not together’

‘It looks that way’

‘Lou, shut up and clean up this mess’

‘But I’m not finished’

‘You’re like a child Louis’

‘And you’re like an old man so go away’

‘That was harsh’


Stole My heart - Harry Styles Fan ficWhere stories live. Discover now