Stole My Heart - Harry Styles Fan Fic Part 8

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I woke feeling warm and comfy. I moved and snuggled into what I thought was the bed. It wasn’t, it was Harry. I had my head on his chest and he had his arms around me. Oh no, this must look bad. I lifted up my head to look and see if Sarah was asleep. I was startled by what I saw. Sat on the bed opposite mine, leant up against the wall in a line was: Liam, Zayn, Louis, Sarah and Niall. They were watching me and Harry.

‘Elloo sleepy head’ Louis said in some sort of foreign robot accent.

Harry woke sleepily and also looked over to Sarah’s bed.

‘Elloo sleepy head number 2’

‘Louis? What the hell are you lot doing?’

‘Waiting for you two to wake up’


‘We want explanations’

‘Of what?’

‘You can start with why you two are how you are’

‘Because, I was talking to sass and I fell asleep and this is how we woke up’

‘So nothing happened?’


‘Okay but what about yesterday morning?’

‘What about it?’

‘Look at this’

Louis came over to us holding a newspaper. We sat up and held it.

‘Yeah, what?’

‘Turn to page 6’


‘Just do it’

We did as Louis told us and Harry read the page out loud.

‘Harry’s mystery girl. One direction hottie Harry Styles, 18, was spotted in the early hours of yesterday morning cosying up to a mystery girl. The pair were seen exchanging gifts in the park close to the bands hotel. They were also spotted sharing a very romantic hug and Harry even kissed the girls forehead. The pair were later seen backstage after a gig in Hyde Park where they were said to be sharing yet another cosy moment when Harry gave her his hoodie and headed back to the hotel. Who is this mystery girl and should One Direction fans be worried that their Harry has started to get close to somebody else?’

There was also a collection of pictures of me and Harry together. They made it out as if I had done something wrong. I was just friends with Harry, nothing more.

‘Oh my god, Louis what the hell?!’

‘Harry tell us what’s going on’

‘Nothings going on’


‘Louis stop it, nothing’s going on okay just drop it’

Harry got up and stormed out of the hotel. I just sat there staring at the door he had just slammed shut.


‘Yes Sarah?’

‘Are you okay?’


‘You don’t look it’

‘That’s because I’m not’

‘What’s going on? I know there’s something wrong, just tell me’

‘Nothings going on. Me and Harry are just friends and all of this has just proved everything he told me is true and you guys as his friends should believe him’

‘What did he tell you?’

‘He doesn’t want this; he just wants to have a normal relationship with somebody. Not all this commotion for the possibility of him liking somebody’

‘Go after him’


‘Go after him and sort this out’

‘Sort it out?’

‘You like him and he likes you so just tell him before it’s too late’

‘It’s not that simple’

‘Yes it is’

‘No he needs time to sort his head out so just leave him’

‘Okay sass, whatever you say’

‘Shut up Sarah we need to get our stuff together to go home so get on with it’

Stole My heart - Harry Styles Fan ficWhere stories live. Discover now