chapter 5: screw it, i like you.

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hey guys! omf its been wayyyyyyy to long since my last upload. im so so so sorry. im still grounded and STUPID ASDFGHJKL I HATE VERIZON they have this app for parents so they can completley throw their teenagers life out the god damn window after butchering their social life. they can control all my calls and texts and apps i go on and internet and ARG. so. anyways id like to dedicate this to @funtastiic and @OneDirectionRockMe69 their both so amazing and omg just follow and spam them. ENJOY THE UPCOMING ASDFGHJKLNESS~

ps. THE BOYS NAME IS REVEALED!!!!!!! even though you can read it in the bio.... LOL XD



His head rest on my stomach as he slept peacefully… I wanted to just…


I leaned in, and pressed my lips to his soft ones, all I can think about is how good it felt to do this, and how I could get used to doing this all day.

“mmm I like waking up to this” he said between kisses, I blushed, caught red handed.

I couldn’t help but let my eyes meet his green ones, a smile tugging at my lips. He crawled up further on my body, sitting on my stomach, he frowned.

“what’s wrong?” he asked, his forehead against mine.   

Can I tell him…?

Can I tell him I hate every second of every minute not being with him since I discovered my feelings for him…?

sighing I nudged his head up by placing my fingers to his chin, then stopping as my lips hovered right in front of his.

his breath hitched as his eyes pleaded me to inch closer, I smirked, letting my hands travel down his bare back, a sensation boiling my blood as I felt his spine move, his lips closer.

“Can I know the name of the boy I might be falling for?” I breathed at a whisper, and then I closed the space between us in sweet kisses.

“A-Adrian…” he stuttered between gasps of air, trailing off.



My heart must be at its capacity, I’m breathing so fast I feel my lungs collapsing.

I wait for the jolt, and stop to the sweet hum that reverberated through the elevator shaft until it came to a sudden stop.

I muttered my last prayers, and then turned the knob to the suite.

I stepped inside the doorway, and then ran up the stairs to my room, until firm hands clasped down on my shoulders, holding me back.



“We need to talk”

I’m soooooo dead…

I remained silent as I brought down my foot that hovered above the stair step, ready to escape.

turning around, sitting down on the couch, I rest my head in my hands, trying to not get too comfy. My mother sat across from me, looking as if she were mauling over her thoughts, picking her words carefully.

“Kat called me about last night…”

I stopped breathing for a minute….

Kat told her…?


“Why did neither of you say anything. You know I would have had his ass on the street so fast-“

“You accepted what he gave you when it didn’t even come close to enough, we tried saying things, but the conversations always ended talking about Dad…..” I interrupted too harshly..

“Sorry.. i..”

“no I needed to hear that. Thank you Robin.. I’m so sorry. He wont be staying here any longer okay? i love you.”

“I love you too mum.”



“Kathryn.. you have to go you know that right..?

im afraid I have no say in this, your mother is my best friend, although she can be scary at times.”

Typical of Jaime, to be afraid of a woman.

“It’s cool. I get it.”

He looked at me like he had pity on such a charity case like me.

“I’m gonna go grab a beer from the fridge… you want anything?”

A smile tugged at my lips as I shooed him away,

“its fine, I got it. Wouldn’t want you to miss your game” I added some sarcasm in that last part, hoping he’d forget ever asking.

I’d been over to Jay’s apartment enough to know every piece of it like my own, and in a way it kind of is.

he’s the closest to a father im going to get, and I love him like one. To be honest, recently ive found myself escaping to his place more often, it’s my second home.

Opening the fridge, I snatched the beer, opening it, I took a swig before resting back on the counter.

“You get lost in there?” Jamie calls from the living room, holding back a laugh.

“How did you know? Did you hear me cry out as the floor littered with porn mags encaved beneath me?”

by now we were laughing so hard we had met each other in the hall as we supported each other, about to roll over on our sides.

“That good huh?”

“yeah I didn’t know you were into those sorts of things. There must have been entire columns down there stacked with magazines, all kinds of boys on Em’.”

I regretted it instantly as his laughter trailed off until he stood awkwardly, furrowing into his hoodie.


“its fine.” He said, straightening up, suppressing a fake smile.

“Hey! No it’s not and don’t just shrug it!” I grabbed at his sleeve as he turned. His eyes widened, even I shocked myself by doing that.

“You don’t have to play that around me. Around us.”

I didn’t let him interrupt as I continued,

“You really must not know us if you think we would ever feel the slightest bit awkward around you because you can accomplish what a great deal of this planet can’t!- finding love. No matter whom it’s with.”

He sniffled as he combed his hand through his hair, then he let out a final sigh.

“Thanks Kat. Really, it means a lot.” He finally suppressed a small smile.

All I needed.

I swear if one more person gets shit for something they can’t control- who they love for example- I’m going to flip out some more.


i love and miss you guys so much! pleeeeeeeeaaaaaaasssssseee dont think im not going to finish this book, i am, but its just hard to post right now.


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