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Draco's hand comes up to cup my cheek. It is warm and soft against my skin. I am breathing in quick gasps, trying to get my breath back, and it looks like he is just as breathless.  He is still staring at me, his eyes full of a burning hunger that I don't think a sandwich would satisfy.

"I told myself I was never going to touch you again," he says, running his fingers over my cheek.

"I'm so sorry Draco. I never meant to hurt you," I tell him, but he places one long finger over my lips, silencing me.

"Don't Hermione. I don't want to talk about it. For just this one moment, let me think that there is nothing and no one that will take you away. Just give me this moment," he says quietly. The burning hunger in his eyes is beginning to soften into something else, something that could be even more dangerous. But instead of pushing him away, this time I pull him closer.

I wind my arms around his waist and hug him tight to me. He returns my embrace, resting his chin on the top of my head. I have no idea how long we stand there, not really moving. Every once in a while, I feel his lips touch the top of my head, or his hands running over my back in small, soothing circles. By now the ice that had taken up residence in my chest has completely melted. And the burning passion that came with his every touch has mellowed out, leaving behind a warm glow wherever his body touches mine. It is more like lying out in the sun on a warm day than standing directly in the blazing inferno. Sometime later, I feel him yawn and I remember that he got less sleep than I did last night.

"I guess you probably want to go to bed. I heard you wandering around all night last night," I tell him carefully, not wanting to make him angry with the reminder.

"I'm not that tired," he says, but his lie is revealed when he can't suppress another yawn. But when his arms tighten around me, I realize why he is lying to me. And I also realize how we can both get some sleep.

"Well I am tired and we go back to class tomorrow so we both need our sleep," I remind him. He hugs me tighter for a moment and then releases me. The absence of his touch is like a physical blow.

"I'm sorry, of course you’re tired," he says stepping back.

"And you are too, you can't lie to me," I tell him. He just shrugs.

"You are probably right. I'll see you in the morning," he says and steps closer just long enough to kiss my cheek, his lips lingering on my skin for a moment before sliding back to my ear. "Just don't disappear while I can't see you or feel you," he whispers in my ear.

"Who said anything about not seeing me? All you need to do is go get on your pajamas. I'll be waiting for you in my room," I tell him and then slip away and head into my bedroom, leaving him standing wide eyed behind me.


For a long moment I am frozen, every muscle locked in place, unable to move. Did she really mean what I think she meant? It isn't it? When I hear her moving around in her room, I finally force myself into action. Trying to remain calm, cool and collected, I go to my room. Moving slowly, giving her time to change her clothes and her mind, I strip down and pull on my pajama pants. I contemplate my shirt. I usually don't wear a shirt to bed, but I don't want her to get the wrong idea about my intentions. Making up my mind, I pull on the thin, white undershirt. It is a little tight as it is meant to be worn under my long sleeved shirts without making them too bulky, but it is clean and comfortable enough to sleep in.

Wanting to give her enough time to change and do whatever else girls do to get ready for bed, I sit down on the lounge in front of my window and go over the happenings of today. I was telling the truth when I told Hermione I promised myself never to touch her again. The very thought of her skin on mine, her body pressing into me, her lips moving in time with my own, was too much to handle. It was like my chest was caving in and I couldn't get enough air into my lungs. Then tonight, when she told me she wanted me back, that she made a mistake, I got angry. I was so mad I could barely breathe. Why did she insist on playing me? She had already broken my heart, torn me to shreds and she just kept coming back for more. Then, as I was walking toward her and she was cowering away from me, I am not sure what happened. One second I was building up, ready to yell until she finally disappeared, and the next I was pressed against her and I was kissing her.

Her lips were like flames against my own and I could feel her every emotion flowing through me, her fear and passion and lust and regret. I felt like I was shattering into a million pieces and then condensing into a single point all at the same time. My whole world coalesced into a single point, Hermione. She was all I could feel, her soft, small body pressed against mine, causing my body to stir in very new and unexpected ways. Not just physical attractions and responses, but emotionally. I could feel her all the way through my chest to my heart. Her taste filled me, her heart beat pounded loudly  in my ears. My entire existence became the girl held tight in my arms, and I know now, without a doubt, that she holds my heart and with one shove, she could break it and shatter my world.


Draco takes so long that I am sure he isn't coming in. I changed into my pajamas and brushed my teeth and hair, pulling it out of my face into a braid. For a while I wait restlessly by my window before finally, dejectedly, climb into bed. Then I hear the door open and he is standing there in flannel pants and  t-shirt. For a moment, he stands there looking shy and embarrassed and shy. I have to smile. He looks like a little kid who had a bad dream and wants to sleep with his parents. Laughing silently at his childlike cuteness, I lift up the blanket and invite him in. The corner of his mouth pulls up in a shy smile and he strides over, slipping under the covers next to me.

I know he isn't going to take the initiative, so I do. I scoot closer to him and he opens his arms to me. I come to a rest against his warm, hard chest and his embrace closes around me. I rest my cheek on his chest, his heart pounding softly under my ear. One of his hands comes up to brush a stray strand of hair away from my face, and he continues to stroke my hair as sleep threatens to claim me.

"Go to sleep, I'll be here when you wake up," he whispers and finally unconsciousness wins and I slip away into a dream filled with warm touches and heart melting kisses.


I can tell the exact moment Hermione falls asleep and I am not far behind. The difference between last night and now is amazing. Now that I can feel her in my arms, hear her light breathing and smell that delicious floral scent that always clings to her skin, I can't imagine ever being so restless. I am a perfect gentleman; I would never take advantage of the moment. I just hold her and listen to the soft fluttering of her heart, letting it pull me away from the restless, horror filled world. My dreams are filled with the only face that will ever matter, the only girl I will ever love, even if the future will pull us apart. Hermione has stolen my heart, and she will hold it forever.

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