Love and Hate

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After a couple hours, I head back to the common room. I like Ginny, but I am glad she is gone when I get there. All of the sudden I am not feeling so well. All I want to do is cuddle up to Hermione and sleep. 

"How was your night?" she asks when I walk in. She is sitting on the couch with her feet tucked under her, waiting for me. I walk over and sit next to her, sliding an arm over her shoulder and pulling her closer.

"It wasn't bad, but it definitely could have been better had I got to stay here," I grumble. Hermione gives me a strange look.

"Is everything okay Draco?" she asks.

"Fine, I'm just sick of getting kicked out of my own room and away from my girlfriend just so you can have some girl time," I snap.

"You agreed to this, why are you so grouchy all of the sudden?" she asks, sounding hurt. The pain in her voice is enough to clear my mind and I am instantly sorry for my outburst.

"I'm so sorry, I just don't feel right. Its making me grumpy," I tell her, kissing her temple.

"Are you getting sick?" she asks, placing a small, warm hand on my forehead to check for a fever. 

"I don't know, I just feel kind of...strange. Its like something is moving under my skin and my head is all fuzzy," I explain.

"Maybe you should go see Madam Pomfrey," she suggests, sounding slightly worried.

"No, I just need some sleep I think," I tell her.

"Well, let's go to bed. If you are still sick in the morning your going to see Madam Pomfrey," she insists.

"Yes mother," I laugh and we head to the bedroom.

I fall asleep almost as soon as she is in my my arms and my head hits the pillow. I have horrible dreams with a dark face swimming in and out of my vision. It isn't until I am just about to wake up that the dream smooths out and I see her face. And it is without a doubt, the most beautiful face I have ever seen.

When I wake up, I feel a warm body next to me and I know it is the beautiful girl from my dreams. I pull her closer, my eyes still closed. I bury my face in her hair and breathe in. The girl stirs and I hear her whisper my name sleepily.

"Good morning Nicola, my love," I whisper. The girl in my arms stiffens. 

"What did you call me?" she asks sounding confused.

"My love?" I repeat, wondering what the big deal is.

"That isn't what I mean. Did you call me Nicola?" she asks.

"Um...yes. Isn't that your name?" I ask, now totally confused.

"You know very well I am not that horrible cow," snaps the girl and breaks out of my arms. She rolls out of bed and turns to face me. It is definitely not Nicola.

"What the hell Granger, what are you doing in my bed?" I snap, jumping out of the bed.

"What are you talking about Draco? This is my bed and I am always in it, as are you," she says sounding and looking completely confused. Well that makes 2 of us.

"Why the bloody hell would I sleep in the same bed as a filthy mudblood like you?" I snap.

"Why are you acting like this? Why are you saying these things?" asks Granger.

"Ugh, I have to go find Nicola, and scrub the smell of mudblood off of me," I say disgusted and leave the room with Granger staring after me.


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