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I can tell it is still early when I wake up, but my eyes are wide open and I know more sleep just isn't going to happen. But instead of getting up, I gently roll onto my stomach and prop myself up on my elbows so I can see Draco's face. He is still sleeping peacefully and every line and grimace and sign of tension or stress is erased from his beautiful face, leaving it more breathtaking than ever. I am just watching him, listening to his deep breathing when the corner of his mouth begins to tug up in a smile. Its obvious he is still sleeping, but I am struck by curiosity. What is he dreaming about that could possibly make him smile so sweetly in his sleep? Very gently, moving with careful slowness, I lean up until my lips barely brush against his. His reaction is surprising. His arms wrap around me and pull me to his chest and he kisses me back. It is not hurried or rough. It is gentle and lingering. When I pull away slightly, his eyes are open and he is smiling widely.

"I wouldn't mind waking up like that every morning," he says in a rough, sleepy voice.

"Yeah, I could think of worse things," I tell him.

"What time is it?" he asks looking toward the barely brightening sky outside the window.

"Just after dawn. We still have a while before we have to get ready," I tell him and smiling wickedly, he grabs me tight in the ring of his arms and spins us until I am pinned beneath him. He is supporting most of his own body weight so he doesn't crush me too much, and I worry that maybe he has gotten the wrong idea. I am definitely not ready for any sort of escalation in our relationship. But instead of forbidden touches and wild caresses, he simply leans down and rests his forehead against mine and closes his eyes, inhaling deeply. A soft smile plays at the corner of his mouth as his warm breath blows over my face.

"Hermione?" he says quietly, never opening his eyes.

"Yes?" I ask just as quietly.

"What changed your mind? About us I mean," he asks and I can hear the hesitation in his voice, as if he is scared of my answer.

"I am not sure really. I think it was the last days without talking to you. I am not talking about missing the kissing and touching, though I did. I am talking about missing your friendship. Not a lot of people came back from our year, and I like a lot of Ginny's friends, but it just isn't the same as having the people from our year being here. It was very hard to feel so lonely," I tell him. He finally opens his eyes and stares at me for a long time.

"Will you go on a date with me Hermione? This Saturday is the first Hogsmead trip, will you go with me?" he asks and with those burning eyes staring right into mine, melting my heart, how could I resist.

"Okay," I tell him and his answering smile is radiant.

We stay cuddled in bed until the morning sunlight fills the room before we finally get up. That morning, I learn a lot about Draco I never knew. Like he sings in the shower. I was standing in my shower room, getting ready for the day when I heard his voice coming through the wall. When I realized what it was, I began laughing loudly and couldn't stop for a long time. It was a lot like when I first heard him snoring, it was strange to know that Draco Malfoy, my old enemy and new...well more than friend for sure... could do something as normal and quirky as sing in the shower.

When I am all ready and my book bag is packed with everything I'll need for the day, I head out into the common room and Draco is standing by the fireplace waiting for me. For a moment, I don't understand the reserved, closed look on his face, but his next words explain everything.

"If you don't want people to know about us, its okay. We can keep it secret until you are ready if you want," he says. It is obvious he is trying...and not let me see how much this offer has upset him.

In answer, I walk over and weave my fingers through his. His long, warm fingers close tightly around mine and he leans in to give me a quick kiss on the forehead. Together, we head through the portrait hole and down the hall. Snape's snide comments fall on deaf ears as we head to the Great Hall for breakfast. The closer we get, the more my stomach begins to flutter, but I never waver in my decision. I hold tightly to Draco's hand as we walk through the doors tot he Great Hall. It seems like ever head swivels to stare at us ad the shock is evident. I find Ginny's face first, worried about her reaction. But she is smiling so widely it looks like her face will split in half. Once I know she isn't mad, all my nervousness flees. As long as Ginny is okay with it, no one else matters.


I can feel the tension Hermione was holding loosen noticeably as she stares toward the Gryffindor table. I see the happy look on Ginny Weasly's face and realize why she suddenly relaxed. I wasn't all that worried to begin with. None of my old friends are here this year. Crabb is dead and Goyle is in trouble with the Magical Law Enforcement for cursing a muggle and all the others either finished out last year or just didn't come back. But we are still supposed to sit at our house tables so I hug Hermione tight for a moment and give her a kiss with every eye still on us.

"Good luck," she whispers, staring over my shoulder at the Slytherin table. I look over to see Nicola glaring daggers at me and obviously on the warpath.

"She doesn't scare me, she is full of hot air. I'll see you in Charms," I tell her and reluctantly release her and head over to my table. I haven't been seated more than 3 seconds before Nicola is there practically sitting on my lap and wrapped around me, her chest shoved against my face. I lean way back and as gently as possible I shove her off of me.

"So you dropped me for that filthy mudblood," she sneers quietly.

"I told you never to cal her that. Ten points from Slytherin. Say it again and you'll have detention," I warn her, anger beginning to pulse through me.

"You would turn against your own house to protect her?" she asks.

"In a heartbeat," I tell her.

"Well, I think you will find very quickly that you should make decisions about this stuff with a bit more caution. You are mine Draco and no slutty little mudblood is going to change that," she sneers before flitting away.

I quickly look over to the Gryffindor table to see Herione looking questioningly at me. I just shake my head and mouth "tell you later". She nods quickly and goes back to her toast and conversation with Ginny. I watch Nicola flit out of the Great Hall with a conspiratorial smile on her face and fear licks my spine, not for myself, but for Hermione. I have no idea what Nicola is capable of, but I am sure it isn't good.


That filthy mudblood doesn't know who she is messing with. She has obviously fed Malfoy a love potion. There is no other way he would actually choose to be with her when he could have me. But I am no push over. She will pay for what she did, and I know just what to do. I have a few minutes before I have to be in class, so I hurry up to the owlry. I pull some parchment out of my bag and my quill and quickly write a hurried note. Laughing, I tie it to the leg of a school owl and carry him to the window.

"Take the letter to Ronald Weasley." I tell the owl and he takes flight, soaring through the window over the school grounds and straight into the waiting hands of the mudbloods bloodtraitor boyfriend.

More than happy with the mornings work, I pack away my parchment and quill and head to class. Draco is already sitting in his usual spot in the DADA classroom and I wink at him as I take my seat behind him. I see the confusion and worry on his face and can't help laughing silently. Soon, sooner than he thinks, the mudblood will be gone and Draco will be mine once again.

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