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The pain is unbearable. My vision is a fuzzy tunnel with Nicola's gloating face at the end, the only thing in focus. She waves her wand again and another slice opens in my skin. It feels like she is cutting me open with a whip of fire. It burns as if engulfed in flames and burning blood flows freely down my face and into my eyes. Another slash, this time it spans all the way across my stomach. I clench my jaw and bite my tongue until I taste the coppery flavor of blood in my mouth.

I can hear Nicola talking to me, but it sounds like she is talking underwater. Her mumbling words make no sense as my vision slowly blackens. . Eventually I can't see anything but darkness. Unfortunately, it doesn't bring any relief from the searing pain. I feel every cut and I can feel the end creeping ever closer. I fix Draco's face in my mind. The way he looks when he is asleep. Like a little boy with no cares or worries. I want his face to be the last thing I ever see.


I feel like breaking down. How am I supposed to get to Hermione when Nicola has ruined any chance I had of finding her? For a moment, anger gets the better of me. I turn the table, throwing it against the wall where it splinters into pieces. I scream at the top of my lungs and slam my fists against the wall until my knuckles are bloody. But it doesn't take long until I come to my senses. I can't lose it now, I don't have any time to waste. 

I spin on the spot and come out just outside the Hogwarts gates. I know I can't do this alone. I need help and I need it now. I wave my wand and a jet of silver speeds off in the direction of the castele. I don't wait for a reply, I start running up the lane as fast as my legs can carry me. By the time I reach the front door, a worried looking McGonagall runs right into me.

"What is going on Malfoy?" she asks and her stern calmness helps to settle me enough to speak.

"She has Hermione. Nicola has Hermione and I don't know where they went," I blurt. Thankfully, McGonagall understands at once. 

"Go to my office, I will meet you there in 5 minutes. We will get her back Malfoy." She doesn't wait for a reply. She spins on her heel and she disappears into the castle. I shoot after her, sprinting up the stairs three at a time. 

I shout the password at the Gargoyle who springs aside and I launch up the stairs and into the Headmistress's office. I try to sit but I can't stay still. I can still hear Hermione's screams echoing in my ears. I can feel her touch on my face, the heat of her skin against my own. My eyes sting with tears I am holding back. My heart hasn't stopped pounding since I realized Hermione was missing. Why didn't I listen to her? She tried to tell me, to warn me and I shunned her. I pushed her away and now she might die because of me. 

"Alright Malfoy, lets get Miss Granger back," says McGonagall barging into her office with Flitwick scurrying behind her.

"You say you saw the room where Nicola kept her?" asks Flitwick.

"Yes, but I didn't recognize it. I have this ring that is supposed to take me to her, but Nicola must have interrupted the charm somehow," I say in a rush.

"Let me see it," he says holding out a small hand. I hesitate for just a moment. This ring may be the only thing I have left of her. But if he can use it to save her, I'll give him anything. I slide it off my finger and drop it in his palm. I stares at it for a long moment and mutters a few spells, waving his wand.

"She is being held in a warded room. Magic won't work to get you there. You will just have to tell us where they are," says Flitwick.

"But I don't know where they are!" I shout in frustration.

"You saw the room, that is all we need. Have a seat Malfoy," says McGonagall firmly.

"But..." I begin but her eyes flash.

"Have a seat," she orders again. I drop into the chair and put my head in my hands.

"Look at me," squeaks Flitwick and I look up. 

Its like someone slammed me over the head. The pain fades, but the blackness persists. Then I can hear Flitwick's voice in the distance. He is weaving some sort of spell and then the darkness begins to fade. I am looking through the mirror again. I can see Nicola's gloating face and Hermione tied up on the floor. I can't hear anything, I can just look.

"Tell me what you see Malfoy, tell me everything you can see through the mirror. Where are they?" comes McGonagall's voice. It is low and even.

"I don't recognize it. The walls are made of some kind of black wood or stone. There is a bare light bulb hanging from the ceiling," I describe trying to get a good look at the room behind Nicola.

"What is in the room? Furniture?" prods McGonagall.

"It empty. I can't see anythi..." I start, but then I catch a glimpse of something just out of sight. "Hang on, there is something." I turn every way I can until I can just see the corner of a large black cabinet. Recognition tugs at the corner of my brain until it slams into me and knocks me completely out of Flitwick's spell.

"Draco! Draco are you alright?" asks McGonagall. I am disoriented and can't figure out how I ended up a huddled heap on the floor, but there is a smile on my face. I look up at McGonagall who is staring at me with a worried look on her face which quickly turns to confusion when she catches sight of my smile.

"You know where they are?" asks Flitwick.

"I know where they are."

I don't waste any more time. I jump to my feet and wobble for a minute, still struggling to shake the effects of the spell. I shoot out of the office and hit the stairs at a full sprint, my wand gripped tight in my hand. McGonagall and Flitwick follow close behind as we run up the stairs and down the corridor. I don't even pause as I pace in front of the invisible door three times, thinking of the one thing I need above all others.

When I stop and turn to the wall, the door is there. I yank it open and burst inside and there it is. The tall black cabinet I spent my entire 6th year fixing. The Vanishing Cabinet. I don't hesitate at all to pull open the door and slam it closed behind me. I'm coming Hermione.


I don't know how long I was out, but it wasn't long enough. I have lost the ability to move and I have no more tears. I just want it to end. So when Nicola kneels next to me with a small vial in her hand, the relief is intense. I know this potion is going to finish this. 

"This has been fun, but it looks like your boy toy has failed. I am sure he has enlisted the help of the teachers by now so I really need to get out of here. Which means our fun has finally come to an end," says Nicola.

But she can't help herself. She draws the tip of her wand over the skin of my back, opening a long, deep gash that instantly pours blood. I don't cry out. I couldn't even if I wanted to. There is no strength left in me. I am smart enough to figure out how much blood I have lost and I know my body can stand to lose much more. 

"Well, I guess we should get this tragic show on the road," says Nicola and she opens the vial. I don't fight her as she places the edge of it against my bottom lip. The scent hits my nose and makes my eyes water. I close my eye and a last tear slips out as I picture Draco's face the night he proposed. I can almost hear his voice, screaming at me to stop. Why would he be screaming at me to stop? I open my blood coated lips and the vial tips. Burning liquid sears my mouth over my tongue and down my throat. There is a weird jerk that jostles my entire body, but I refuse to open my eyes. I can feel the potion working its way slowly into my system. I can hear Draco again, but this time he is calling my name. I can feel his hands on my skin. This death isn't so bad.

When I am shaken and my head smacks the floor my eyes involuntarily open but my vision of Draco's face doesn't fade. I can still see his every beautiful feature. I focus on those stormy grey eyes. Why do they look so sad? He shouldn't be sad.

"Hermione, Hermione please," begs the vision.

"Draco," I whisper surprised at how weak my voice has become.

"Hermione, stay with me! Please!" he begs and I can see tears glistening on his cheek.

"Forever," I whisper and then everything goes black.

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