Time and Space

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My heart is pounding a million kilometers a minute and I am light headed. I keep staring at the ring, unable to form a coherent answer. Then images begin flashing through my mind. A house in the country with a big yard. Draco barefoot. lounging on the couch. Little kids, running over the soft grass, the sun glinting of their white blonde hair. An entire life flashes through my mind and when it fades, there is a stab of sadness. I want that life. I want the house and the yard and everything. I want it so bad I can taste it. And there is one sure way I will get it.

"Hermione?" says Draco, sounding scared.

"Yes," I choke in barely more than a whisper.

"What?" he asks, standing and taking a step closer. I can see the worry painted on his pale face.

"Yes, yes I'll marry you," I say, louder this time. 

The joy that fills his face is staggering. His smile is blindingly bright and his eyes are shining brighter than the setting sun. He pulls the ring out of the box and slides it on my finger. It is a perfect fit. For a second we both stare at it, then Draco lets out this startling yelp and lifts me off my feet. He spins us around, turning the beautiful view of the ocean into a blur. 

When he sets me back on my feet, I reach up and plant my lips on his. He hugs me closer and returns my kiss with enthusiasm. Something has shifted in our relationship and we can both feel it. Walls that were there before have dissolved. My heart rate speeds up and my hands are shaking but its mostly in excitement, though of course I am nervous.

Draco scoops me up and carries me inside. He heads straight for our room where he lays me on the bed, never once do our lips break contact. 

"Are you sure?" he asks, pulling away so he can see my face. 

In answer I sit up far enough to grab the hem of my shirt and slip it over my head. He smiles and pulls off his own shirt. That is when I notice I am not the only one who has shaking hands. He leans in and kisses me again. I can feel his heart pounding in his chest as his lips move down to my neck. He sucks lightly on the base of my throat right at my pulse point and my blood is on fire. Draco's hands are at the waistband of my jeans and then he is pulling them over my legs and they fall to the floor. His long fingered hands slide up my legs and I take a moment to be totally and completely thankful that I thought to shave this morning. 

"Are you nervous?" asks Draco, his hands on my bare waist and his eyes staring into mine.

"A little," I admit, "Are you?"

"Terrified. This is my first time," he says, looking at the wall above my head.

"What? I thought..." I begin, totally shocked.

"No, I have always stopped short. I just...well your first time is supposed to be special and I just didn't want to waste it on someone I didn't really care about," he says shrugging.

It it this statement more than anything else that convinces me the time is right. I reach out and grab a hold of him, pulling him down to me. I make quick work of his jeans and then he is only in his boxer-briefs. His skin is burning against mine. I can feel every inch of his hard body pressed against mine. It doesn't take long for the rest of our clothes to become a pile on the floor. Draco becomes everything. He is all I can feel, all I can think of, all I can see. He fills me and dominates my senses. A sharp gasp of pain that is quickly forgotten and he is moving against me. Together, we slip into a burning oblivion of passion.


Hermione's skin is like silk. When I proposed, I was not expecting this to happen. I know she is the only girl I will ever love and I wanted to show her, to make her mine. That is all. So when she starts kissing me and I feel the restraints slip away, I am surprised and nervous. I am not nervous about Hermione, I have never been so sure of anything in my life. I am nervous about the actual act. I know Hermione assumes I have done it before, but its not true. I have never been with anyone the way I am with her and will be with her. So I am nervous because I want this to be perfect for her, for both of us.

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