Watery Wonders

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When I wake up Sunday morning, I am using Draco's chest for a pillow. He has one arm around my waist, his fingers running slowly over the bare skin of my back where my shirt has been pushed up. His other arm is behind his head and he is staring up at the ceiling with a slight smile on his face, like he is remembering a private joke or something funny that happened. I turn and rest my chin on his shoulder so I can see his face. 

"How long have you been awake?" I ask, my voice rough from sleep.

"A while," he says, looking down at me, his smile widening.

"Why didn't you wake me? I would have moved so you could get up," I tell him, starting to roll away from him. He immediately reaches out and grabs me, pulling me back against him and locking me int the ring of his arms.

"No way!" he says, holding my hands above my head and rolling us until he is hovering over me, my wrists locked above me in the manacles of his hands. Even in the weird position with his weight resting on me, it is not uncomfortable.

"This is imprisonment," I tease, quite unable to move (even if I wanted to, which I really didn't).

"You got it baby," he says quietly. I think he is going to give me one of those heart stopping kisses, but just before his lips touch mine, he moves his face to the side. He barely makes contact as his lips brush over my cheek, back to my ear and down. He traces the line of my jaw with his lips barely touching my skin and his warm breath breaks over my skin, making me shiver. He moves up and kisses each of my eyelids and the tip of my nose.

It isn't until I am shivering with anticipation and the icy fire flooding my veins that he finally moves down to my lips. But he doesn't give me the hard, rough passion that I crave. Instead, he kisses me with the same light, warm touch that he used on the rest of my face. But in that one, brushing touch, he shows more passion, more love than I could ever imagine possible. 

"Happy Halloween," he whispers in my ear.

"Oh yeah, its Halloween huh," I breathe, latching on to the one thing that I can get my mind to focus on and clear out some of the more scandalous thoughts that have taken residence in my mind.

"It is, and it is the weekend. So what would you like to do?" he asks, still running his lips over my skin, making it extremely hard to focus.

"I...I don't know," I mumble.

"Well I do," he says and I can hear the sly smile on his face.

"And what is that?" I ask, curious. He lifts his head and looks down at me with the most self satisfied, conspiratorial smile on his face that I have ever seen.

"We are taking that swim you mentioned," he says. He kisses me one more time on the lips and then he practically bounces off the bed.

"S...swim?" I stutter, surprised by his quick movement and not fully registering his suggestion.

"Yep, so get something to swim in and pull on your cloak. I'll be back in 10 minutes to get you," says Draco and then he sweeps out of the room. 

For a moment, I am in a panic. I just sit in my bed and stare around, thinking about anything I could possibly use to swim in. When I realize 5 of my ten minutes are already up, I run to my trunk, grab a tank and some shorts I brought to sleep in once summer comes around. I grab my wand and run into the bathroom. Thank goodness I learned the spell to shave my legs! With a quick wave of my wand, my legs are smooth as a baby's cheek from my toes to my hips. After that, I quickly braid my hair back and brush my teeth. I pull on the dark blue tank and black shorts and then I pull on my robes over them.

When I go back into my room, Draco is there in his robes waiting for me. He walks over and wraps his arms around me.

"Ready to go?" he asks.

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