Chapter 24

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"Have you seen this??!" I freaked out at Harry while we took a very long turn into the arena in my cousins' rented car after we all went out to TGI Fridays to get lunch. We made sure to keep Harry covered under one of Ava's pink butterfly blankets and his head squashed down in between the seats next to Ava in her carseat. I made sure to keep him covered with as much as I could, I put the diaper bag on him as my cousins laughed at the scene of screaming girls who had clearly recognized me and had proceeded on screaming as loud as possible while they swarmed the car like a zombie accoplspe. "What the hell should I do?!" My cousin Leah shouted as she tried to drive through the thousands of Girls "ok ok hold on I'll call Paul" I assured her getting out my phone and scrolling down for Paul "hello love were you at?" He answered "Paul we took a wrong turn were here but holy shit were mobbed" I told him frantically "ok we'll send out Paddy and some guys back here. Harry's with you, yeah?" He asked "yeah. I covered him. Everyone in here gets checked right?" I made sure no one would shoot me or my husband "eh only inside. Don't worry we're getting you out of there"Paul told me "oh my god, ok" I hung up , not more than 5 seconds later Paddy came rushing out with 10 security and policeman , they started shouting and pushing everyone back "Paddy's here, they're telling eveyone to get back, oh my god this is insane" I filled Harry in, Ava woke up from all the noise and started crying, Harry reached his hand up to her carseat to comfort her, I covered up his tattooed hand his fans would surely recognize "Harry love your hand is on her ear" I laughed moving his hand to her belly. "Lets sing her a song why don't we?" Sarah from the passenger seat suggested "oh yeah!" I agreed, "the wheels on the bus go round and round "we sang along louder to sing over her cries soon she calmed down. Finally Paddy waved us through to the entrance of the parking lot, we stopped at the gate where Paddy met us, I rolled down my window "hi pads thank for that. " "no problem ok so we got to get Harry in, drive into the lot in between the buses, have Harry sneak in through the buses and trucks there's a back way I'll meet him in. Have you got everything with Ava? Do you need Harry?" He informed us "no it's fine take Harry I'll get in, what time is break out tonight?" I asked him "right after the show got to be ready and run" he said referring to leaving right after the show which was highly needed. It was like prison break we needed to be ready to jump straight into the bus the second the show was over. We drove in Harry sneaking out, Sarah and Leah helped me with Ava, I took her out of the carseat, the second I stepped out of the car screams so high started, at first I thought they'd found Harry I turned around to a huge car park filled with girls on all levels peering down into to gated lot, I laughed at that, I got out the stroller and bag, Leah handed me Harry's takeout and Niall's drink putting it in the stroller, "Leah can you get the carseat" she got out Ava's bright pink carseat putting it on the stroller, "ahaha Emily!" Niall started from the lot running towards us football in hand "hi your drink is in there" I pointed to the seat that was under the carseat. He dove into the seat "what where" he asked peering down "Sarah you got everything?" I asked as she locked up the car "yeah think so" she said "oh god Niall babe you should know how to use the stroller by now." I sighed handing him Ava who objected he bounced her trying to soothe her as I took out the carseat that was clicked on to the frame hiding his drink he wanted, "here poop face" I handed him his drink,shifting it to the other hand as he held Ava "lets go in.where?" I asked Niall, he assured us in taking us to the dressing room. I dialed the code while Niall chatted to Kim . I peered in first "is everyone dressed? We've got company" I looked around, Zayn and Liam were sure dressed and surely the only ones in the room "yes. Where's everyone?" Liam asked " no idea we just got here" I told them assuring Sarah and Leah in "whose this?"Zayn asked as they got up from lounging on the couch " my lovely cousins, Sarah and Leah" I introduced them "no seriously, they left you alone? There are literally 80 people on this production and no one is in here?" I said to them "yeah don't know." They shrugged and sat back down getting a bag of Cheetos from the table "oh Zayn I got you a York" "yay thank you" I handed it to him. "Where is Ava?" Liam asked noticing she was not in her usual spot on my hip, I laughed "she's with the loud one" I told them " I'm going to find Harold " I told them, I took Sarah and Leah with me not really sure what they wanted to do, knowing they would be comforatble with me and not stuck in a room with two boys who would surely say stuff I I didn't want my cousins to hear or know. Yes they were in their 20s but they were family and stuff that happens on tour stays on tour I surely didn't want that stuff getting back to my family. We walked down the hall "Niall you want me to take her?" " nah it's ok. She's laughing at me jokes " he laughed swinging her feet as she hummed reaching her tiny fingers clenching her 5 month old fists towards me "enjoying your Niall, are you love?" I cooed at her ignoring that face of "take me mommy I want you and only you" she was learning that being with mommy was best. I had other plans, she couldn't be like this. She needed to get used to other people, slowly we were showing her that she could like other people too, she didn't cry but she did prefer mommy. Following the smell of tomato we found Sarah's kitchen set up, finally more people "where's Harry?" I asked Sarah "haven't seen him" finally I dialed his sleep dial "where are you?" Dave needs me for mic check" "oh ok I'm coming" we found the room labeled "sound" Harry was warming up into his mic with Dave at his desk " hi love you ok?" He asked " yeah just wanted to know where you went" "where's Ava?" "with Niall" he nodded, I turned to Dave "is he almost done?" "Yeah 2 minutes I'll send him your way" he assured me. We took a seat on the sofa, watching Harry.
Finally we headed to the lounge were all the food was set up. we solved the mystery of where everyone was, they were all here eating Sarah's yummy food, I fake karate chopped the air "haha so this is where they've all been hiding" using the goofiest fake pirate accent I could turning to Harry, he laughed, I sat down next to Louise and Helen sitting down as Harry headed to get us food "hey girls!" "Hi Em who are these ladies?" Lou asked "oh my cousins" forgetting I had them with me "Sarah and Leah" I turned to them "oh let's get food for you" I turned to them knowing they'd be too shy to go anywhere without me.
Niall finally walked in handing crying Ava to me "oh you got sick of uncle Niall did you baby" I cooed to Ava taking her into my arms. "Mummy!!" Lux ran into the room ruining towards Lou with Tom not far behind Lou ran to Lux she picked her up and smothered her with kisses, giving Tom a big kiss "we thought we'd surprise you" "oh thank you!" Lou was overjoyed, we all greeted them.
We hung around backstage stashed and lounged on the couches in the dressing room, Lou worked on Louis's hair while Lauren attempted to dress the boys for the show, Lux was playing with Ava trying to feed her sipee cup to Ava, as Lux forced it in Ava cried "oh that's ok Luxie, give her a cuddle maybe she'll stop crying" I assured her while Tom was recording, she kissed Ava's head "shhh baby va" she said it was the most adorable thing.

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