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All volleyball lady tigers report to the small gym immediately during lunch.

The intercom of the school burst through the crowded halls. I groan at the announcement and slam my locker shut. We only had 30 minutes of lunch left and I hadn't eaten yet.

I walk through the halls, pushing past the tall and short people. Some would purposefully get in my way for fun. They knew I was on the volleyball team and they just wanted to get something out of me. Someone bumps into me and laughs at my reaction. I laugh out a fake laugh, then continue my path.

"Shit, I hate school." I mumble to myself.

I've been coming to this school since my sophomore year and ever since then I've been on the volleyball team. People are usually surprised when I tell them because I'm known as the quiet girl in my class. Yet, I'm known by half of my class and some faculty members. Apparently, I'm interesting to these people.

I make it to the gym full of the JV and varsity teams. I sit next to one of my trusted friends in this whole school, Monique. We do everything together even though we only share about two classes this year. She's more outgoing than me and talks to more people. We act the same though, and have the same interests which is why most people think we're sisters.

"Hey girl," Monique smiles when I sit next to her on the bleachers. "I couldn't find you after class."

"Oh, Mr. Bell stopped me in the hall." I tell her. "Do you know what's going on?"

"Well there was a rumor that Coach Gregory had a relationship with one of his math students."

"What?" I gasp. "But he's so old."

Monique laughs. "You're one of his students, what if it was you?"

"Hell no, I would never do that."

"Okay ladies," Principal Parker speaks up. "There have been some controversy these past few weeks about coach Gregory which resulted in him getting terminated."

The gym becomes loud with voices and confused expression. I didn't know there was anything wrong either because everything had been normal up until now.

"Quiet down please." she orders. "So for now, I have hired one of my trusted friends through college who has trained plenty of other volleyball teams." she continues. "Mr. Styles, ladies or you can refer him as your coach."

The girls clap and eye the tall man coming forward. The expression on their faces were priceless. I'm sure they were drooling over his clean cut hair and emerald eyes.

"Alright lady tigers, so as principal Parker said I am stepping in as interim coach." he rephrases. I look around to see the astounded looks on the girl's faces when he spoke with an accent. "I will also teach some of your math classes as coach Gregory did, but right now we are going to talk about the teams because we have a lot of upcoming games."

"What do you mean? What about the teams?" Monique speaks up.

"Well it seems like coach Gregory favored a few of you because I saw the tapes from games and some of you don't qualify for the team." he says. "That being said, we will have tryouts again in about two weeks before our next game."

Everybody was in complete shock. Especially the JV team because they hadn't won a game during the summer games. Then the couple of games they had wasn't a good start for the school year for them. Varsity won at least four so far.

"We will have practices every day after school and workouts in the morning until tryouts. If anyone has a problem with that then I suggest you come talk to me." he says, smiling which showed deep dimples. Then he hands out the schedules of the workouts. "Dismissed," he claps his hands, gesturing us to leave.

The time he set was insane. He wanted us to be here in the gym by six in the morning. I only wake up an hour later with the rest of my family and we always carpool. I barely make it to homeroom by the time I get dropped off.

"So what about now?" Monique asks, throwing her bag over her shoulders. "This new coach is hot and you can't deny it."

"He is attractive, but I won't ever do that with a teacher." I tell her and she rolls her eyes.

"Whatever Rylee," she sighs, walking beside me down the bleachers. "Do you still want to go eat?"

I shake my head, looking up at the coach who was speaking to a few other team members.

"No, I have to talk to him real quick." I reply.

"Oh, so I'm right." Monique teases.

"Monique no!" I say in a high pitched voice, but lowly. "I have to talk to him about the morning workouts."

Monique gives me a look before walking off. I slowly make my way to the coach. A girl finishing what they had to say as I got closer. I stood next to one of the JV girls as she told him how much she wanted to be on the team. He squinted his eyes, rubbing the bottom of his pink lips as he focused on what she was saying.

"We'll just have to work hard, don't we?" Coach simply says, making the girl dumbfounded that he didn't have much sympathy for her. "I'll see you Monday morning."

The girl nods, walking away and showing her annoyance. His green eyes land on me and he waits for me to speak.

"Abo-about the morning workouts," I begin. "I don't have a ride to get to them."

"Well that's okay, I'll gladly give you a ride." he says, shrugging his broad shoulders. "At today's practice, I'll being asking for everybody's information."

I nod, forcing a smile. I was hoping he would say I didn't have to come, but okay.

"Alright thanks,"

"You're welcome–" he pauses and waits for me to answer.

"Oh, Rylee. Rylee Eversteen." I state my name.

small visual descriptions of characters on IG: uniqueboys.ig

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