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5:30 am.

*beep beep beep*

My alarm blares loudly on my side table. I roll over to see my dog laying right next to me. I carefully reach over and grab my phone. I immediately jump up at the sight of the time. Then a message pops up on my screen.

Coach: I'm about to pull up.

I rush out of bed, pulling on my workout clothes which were only regular shorts and a t-shirt. I look at myself in the mirror to pull my hair up into a tail. I ignore the bags under my eyes and grab my schoolbag and gym bag.

"C'mon Pres, let's go." I call my dog, but he just stays in my bed and looks at me as if I'm crazy. "Whatever, stay then." I say rushing to the bathroom.

My phone buzzes a couple times as I'm brushing my teeth. I splash my face with cold water before racing downstairs. There was no time to eat because I could tell coach was irritated with my tardiness from the constant buzzing on my phone.

I make it out my door and spot his car in front of my house. I run through the lawn then open the door to his car. Coach watches me with narrow eyes as I throw my bag at the foot of the passenger side. I sit on the cold leather seats, not looking at him once.

"Ten minutes late, Eversteen." Coach rasps out as he pulls off. "I said 5:30."

"Sorry," I apologize.

"Just don't let it happen tomorrow." he says lowly, focusing on the road.

"I won't." I mumble.

My eyes wander his luxurious car. I'm not a car person, so all I know is that it's some type of SUV.

The music played through silence until coach turns it down. He glances over at me, stopping at a red light.

"Did you eat breakfast?" he asks with that rasp still in his voice.

"No time," I simply answer.

Coach reaches over behind my seat. A few moments pass and he comes back up with a banana in his hands.

"It's not much, but it's something." he says, handing it to me.

I wasn't the one to decline food, so I gladly take it. "Thanks,"

For the rest of the drive to school, there was silence. I finished my banana before we made it to school. Coach parks in one of the many empty spots. I throw my stuff over my shoulders as I wait for him to get something out of his trunk. We walk to the gym together and was greeted by the many players.

"We thought you were going to be late, coach Styles." Monique jokes, following right behind him after he unlocks the gym.

"I'm never late," he laughs looking at his watch. "Drop your things off in the locker room and be back here in five." he orders, throwing the locker room keys to Monique.

I watch him trail off to his office down the hall from the locker rooms.

"How was the ride?" Monique asks, excitingly.

"Very quiet and awkward." I tell her.

She laughs, following me into the room. "You make every situation very quiet and awkward." she teases.

"Shut up," I nudge her, setting my bags in my locker. "Sorry, I'm not like you."

"Thank the lord." she over exaggerates the line. "If I was friends with myself then I'd be so annoyed." she jokes. "I'm so glad you're who you are."

I shrug with a smile, unsure how to respond to that.

"Ladies, lets go!" Coach shouts from the hall. "It's not time to hangout and chitchat."

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