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I was late for school again

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I was late for school again. This is the second time I missed workouts this week. Hopefully Harry won't make a big deal of it today. He's been cutting me slack lately due to my recent situation at home, but the stuff between us might get in the way of that.

I rub my still sleepy eyes, walking down the hall. This time I came through the passing period. The halls were crowded as I made my way to class. My eyes were stinging with sleep, so I enter the nearest bathroom to splash water on my face. Suddenly, the tardy bell sounds and I curse to myself. I didn't even hear the warning bell.

I rush out of the bathroom, heading down the hall. Right as I was turning the corner, I bump into someone. Harry's eyes connect with mine, but I divert my eyes somewhere else. He had his folder in hand and he closes it, about to speak.

"I-I have to go to class." I breathe out, pushing passed him.

Harry grabs my wrist, having me turn back to him. I felt very tense and awkward at the moment. Also, my heart hurt a little from seeing him.

"You weren't at workouts this morning." he states.

"I was up late, waiting." I hint at him. "Reminder, a little text would help."

He sighs. "I'm sorry, but-"

"Whatever," I interrupt. "Zayn made my night better."

"Zayn?" he scoffs. "What? Since I didn't come you invite him. I won't be apart of your line of boys anymore, Rylee."

"I didn't invite him, he just dropped by Ravalon." I frown at his discreet comment. "And last night– I had dinner made, I was going to set up a table for us to have an actual date like you wanted."

"And you had it with Zayn instead."

I scoff, shaking my head. "Why are you so jealous of Zayn?"

"Because you loved him once-" he says, frustratingly. "– and that love for someone takes a while to fade away."

"Wh-what do you want me to sa-"

I was interrupted by a couple of students racing around the corner we were standing by. They seemed frighten as if something was chasing them. Harry shouts after them while I move past him to look around the corner. Two people stood there, facing each other. I spot the familiar bag hanging off one of their shoulders. The band name he told me about once, flashed in my vision and I frown.


Suddenly, a gunshot echoes the the halls and I gasp. I watch one of them fall to their knees then fall face forward. A hand clamps over my mouth before I could call for help and I'm hidden behind the corner. Harry pushes me against the wall, staying attentive to the situation. He removes his hand after a few moments of silence and I couldn't stop shaking. I try speaking, but Harry shushes me. He slowly peeks around the corner then returns to me.

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