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Harry had been texting me frequently while Zayn and my dad laugh away

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Harry had been texting me frequently while Zayn and my dad laugh away. I sat on the chair while they were on the couch, talking about the tv show that was on.

"Rylee, did you see how he fell?" my dad asks and I hum, staring blankly at the tv.

They go back to discussing the apparent funny part of the shown. Then the door opens and I quickly turn to see Alec entering. I get up and held on to his arm.

"You need to help me." I whisper. "Dad has been here for hours."

"It smells good in here. Did he make something?" he asks, going to the kitchen.

"Welcome home," dad greets Alec from the living room. "We left a plate for you in the microwave."

"Thanks dad." Alec smiles, going straight to the microwave.

"Alec!" I snap softly.

"What? He's lonely, Rylee." he whispers. "First his wife left the house and now his kids."

My shoulders drop and I start feeling bad. "I-I just needed to talk to Zayn privately. I didn't mean to sound selfish." I rub my forehead.

"Is whatever you're talking about with Zayn that important?"

I glance over my shoulder, seeing the two still talking away. I lean over and spoke softly. "It's about mom. He found out where she has been."

"What?" his eyes widen. "Why- why can't you talk about this with dad around?"

"Alec, dad just got a big promotion and if he figures out that mom is still around, he'll feel obligated to stay and fight for her. Like you said he's lonely and we both know he'll do anything to not be alone anymore."

"Don't you want them back together?"

"She left us with no explanation at all. I want to know her side before I can trust her around dad again because I watched him every day after she left. He tried hiding it, but I saw how hurt he was. He also doesn't know how many times I heard him in his bedroom, actually crying." I tell him. "I just want to protect him."

"Okay, I'll definitely help." he breathes out, looking at dad. "He was really crying? Are you sure he wasn't like wheezing in his sleep?" he questions and I give him a glare. "Dad," he sets his plate down, going over to them. "Do you want to go to Delton's and have a few beers?"

"Uh, I actually have to work tomorrow."

Alec glances back at me. "I have this situation with this girl and I need some help."

"Really? My help?" dad shifts, laughing. "You hadn't asked for help when it comes to girls since you were twelve."

"Well, now it's serious and- and I need some advice."

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