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Juniors and seniors should be reporting to the auditorium at this time. All students are required to attend this assembly, no excuses.

I stood in front of my locker with my head slightly hidden in it. The voice on the intercom echoed in my head. I know what this assembly is about and I really don't want to attend it. It would be impossible to get out of it because teachers are all around, making sure everyone attends.

"I can't believe they're forcing us to go to this shit." Monique appears next to me and I remove my head from my locker to look at her. "Want to try and skip?"

"We can't," I sigh, gesturing the many teachers around who were also "guarding" the exits. "We're in jail remember."

"A jail that you'll be leaving." Monique pouts, holding her binder close to her chest. "I still can't believe it." she says, tears rimming her eyes.

"Don't cry, please don't cry." I beg. "If you do then I will."

"Sorry." she apologizes, breathing in deeply then wiping her eyes.

"Ladies," the deep voice sounds and Harry appears next to us. "Don't you have somewhere you have to be?"

I send him a small glare, shutting my locker a little too rough but didn't care for it.

"Yes, away from you and it honestly gives me motivation to leave." I say, even though he didn't have any idea what I was talking about. "Save me a seat if you make it in, okay?"

I walk off into the crowd of juniors and seniors, but before I entered, I heard Harry speak.

"What is she talking about?"

I just roll my eyes, slipping past people to get to the bathroom. A teacher stood by the door and stopped me.

"I really need to go!" I say, acting out a little dance to make it believable.

"Hurry up." they order, letting me in.

The bathroom was cleared out, so this teacher was doing a good job. I walk over to the mirror, seeing my red eyelids and the dark circles. Now I could see why my teacher's don't believe it when I say I'm fine because I look like a wreck.

My phone buzzes and I quickly pull it out to see a text from Zayn. He wanted to talk to me, so we made plans to meet after practice. Another text pops up from Monique and I switch over to her. I quickly reply back before splashing my face with cold water.

The teacher still stood by the door once I exited. I slowly make my way to the auditorium, entering the dark, crowded room. I creep up to stand next to a few people who stood in the back; most of them were teachers. Principal Parker was on stage, preparing her speech after quieting the students. I lean against the wall with my arms crossed.

I had this strange feeling that someone was staring at me. I look around, spotting the tall figure on the other side of the rows of students. I divert my eyes back to principal Parker and glanced back at Harry a few times.

"Ladies, gentlemen, please settle down." she demands. "You might know what this assembly is about because freshmen and sophomores had it yesterday, but I want to take my time with you. Most of you knew these two boys that got hurt during a horrific event just a few days ago."

There was a large screen behind her, revealing pictures of Will and Brennen. The picture of Will was him in his graduation gown, hardly smiling. Brennen had a bright smile in his soccer uniform. He looked so innocent, but he was really trouble.

The room was filled with claps and whistles. Principal Parker let it go on until she had to speak again. She goes on and I kind of zone out.

"Hey," someone appears behind me and I slightly jump. I turn my head to see Harry standing behind me.

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