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"Rylee, you had a dirty dream, that's normal for everyone." Monique shrugs.

"You don't understand." I say, following her down the hall from the locker room. "It was with Coach– Coach Styles, and I don't know if I could face him today."

"Well that's too bad because you're here and there's no way you can skip workouts. He'll just hunt you down and punish you." she argues and I gulp, getting more scared as we approached the court. Monique laughs and nudges me. "It's Coach Styles, Rylee." she says as if it was normal. "He's a very attractive guy. I'm sure we've all had those dreams about him."

I grip her arm and stop her. "You have?"

"Of course!" she exclaims. "It's a natural thing to be attracted to someone and have them on your mind especially if it's someone like coach."

I shake my head. "But he's our coach, Monique." I frown. "Don't yo-"

"Just stop worrying about it." she cuts me off. "It's not like he knows. We just go by our day like normal. It just helps us get through the day."

"Eversteen, Kenneth!" Harry calls us. "Are you going to join us anytime soon or is whatever you're talking about more important."

"No coach, we're coming." Monique tells him then puts her arm over my shoulders. "Look, it was just a dream. Just focus on your relationship with Brennen. That's what's important." she smiles.


I got through the day avoiding any confrontation from Harry. I'd either dodge him or have someone else around me while near him. Practice was starting then this day would finally be over.

"Ladies," Harry starts as we settled in the gym. "Varsity is having a home game this Friday and we must win for the school's sake."

"We'll win, coach." Monique assures him with a smile.

Harry chuckles then looks at his clipboard. "Okay, starters will be Monique, Leslie, Kourt, Brit, Abby, and Sav." he finishes and looks up from his clipboard.

"Wha-" I softly squeak out but don't go through with it.

Monique looks down at me with a questioning look and I just shrug. I sat out for the past two games, I should be in this one.

"Alright, lets get to stretching ladies." he orders and we spread out.

I keep my distance from everyone and hide my annoyance toward Harry. We begin our stretches then warm up. I keep an eye on Harry as he walks around to instruct us. He slowly came my way and our eyes connect. The stare got tense the closer he got to me. My pulse was racing like crazy until he turned away.

The practice went by faster than I thought. I didn't talk to anyone the rest of the day, even Monique. She tried, but I just ignored her and walked away. I was the first to leave the locker room which probably hinted that I was upset. I slowly walk through the court, answering texts.

Apparently, my brother think his new girlfriend he just met is more important than me, his sister. He's done this plenty of times before and promised he wouldn't anymore, but here we are.

I stop in my tracks and sigh. "Can this day get any worse?"

"Eversteen, can we talk?" Harry calls me.

I turn around to see him walking toward his office. "Of course it can." I mumble, following him.

He waits for me to enter his office then shuts the door. "Rylee, I just wanted t-"

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