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I arrive at Harry's motel around noon

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I arrive at Harry's motel around noon. It was a very cold Sunday and I was freezing, waiting for him to open the door. Even the food I had just gotten was probably cold already. The door cracks open and Harry chuckles.

"How'd you get here?"

"My brother let me use his car." I tell him as I step into the warm room. "I have to go to work in a few hours. I think it'll be good to have him around more now because our work schedules are completely different." I say, putting the food on the table and pulled my coat off.

"That means you won't need anymore rides?" he asks, setting himself on the bed with his laptop on his lap.

"Not as often." I sigh, sitting next to him and resting my head on his shoulder. "What are you doing?"

"I was just writing a couple essays for my classes." he says, typing away. "I'm almost finished with this one."

"Sometimes I forget you're still in school." I move from the bed to get the food.

"Yeah, I'm almost done." he says excitingly. "I've been a little behind, but I got caught up."

"What's next?" I ask and he doesn't say anything, but shrugs as he continues to type. "Are you going to try to become an assistant principal? Or even a principal?"

Harry chuckles, not taking his eyes off the laptop. "That's an option, but I think I'm good with coaching and teaching right now. After finishing, I won't be labeled as interim coach and that's good enough."

"I never saw you as an interim coach." I shrug, eating the food at the table.

"Well, that's what the school had to label me as. I was fortunate enough to have known Parker to hook me up with this job before finishing the rest of my training." he tells me. "I'm actually supposed to be a teacher assistant."

I gasp. "You and Parker broke the rules."

"Don't tell anyone." he whispers then sends a wink. "What are you eating?"

"I got some chili and fries at the diner down the street. Want some?" I offer, hold a spoon full out for him. I crawl towards him and he opens his mouth. "Have you ever eaten at that diner?"

"A couple times."

There was a knock at the door as I was about to sit next to him again. I look at Harry and he swiftly moves from the bed, going to the window and peeking through.

"Who is it?" I ask softly, getting up to look as well. Harry goes to the door and opens it. "What is she doing here?"

She sniffles, stepping in a bit. "Coach, I'm sorry for just stopping by." she says then she turns her head and our eyes meet. "Rylee?"

"Monique, what are you doing here?"

"Rylee, I-I knew you'd be here." she breathes out, wiping her tears before hugging me.

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