Prologue: Little Bell

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Many moons ago, it was late summer and early autumn and there were four turtle toddlers playing around in the tunnels of the sewers, smiling and laughing as they raced each other. The two turtles up front were Leonardo and Raphael. The two turtle toddlers ran through the tunnels, splashing on the way. "C'mon Leo. At this point, I might beat ya." The red bandanna wearing toddler taunted. The other smirked playfully. "Not if I can make it there first." The turtle in a blue bandanna retaliated. The other two in the back managed to catch up. "Nu-uh I'm going to win this one," The younger turtle in an orange bandanna rushed up to them.

"In your dreams, Mikey," An olive green turtle in a purple bandanna spoke, using Mikey's head to leap over him. Like in leap frog basically. "Not fair, Donnie." Mikey pouted but was quick to catch up to them. The race was getting intense to the point that the brothers were neck to neck in the race. That was until Leo stopped suddenly. The others bumped into each other, causing them to look at the eldest of the brothers.  "Leo, what the heck's the problem?" The turtle tot in red asked. "Quiet, Raph," Leo commanded. Raph only huffed but kept quiet.

Good thing that Leo stopped. Why? Well, not too far from them, they heard footsteps rushing. As quickly and as quietly as they could, they hid in the shadows. An inhuman figure rushed passed the area they were in. "Who was that?" Don asked. "I don't know. Let's go check it out," Mikey was quick to say and even faster on his feet. "Mikey no!" Leo yelled. "Mikey!" Raph joined and chased after his younger brother. The other two had no choice but to follow after their brothers.

After a minute of chasing, they found the red and orange bandanna wearing turtles peeking around the corner. "Whatcha seeing?" Leo asked. No one answered him. Instead, they were all just staring at the inhuman figure from afar. The being set a smaller person down. The soft voice reached to their well-trained ears. "Mommy... Is everything okay?" The taller pulled her hood down, revealing to be a rodent-like their Master Splinter. "Yes, everything will be fine." A womanly voice spoke to the smaller person.  A furred hand rubbed the top of the little girl's head before the rodent's arms lifted her and placed her near a crevice in the wall. "Hide, now. I don't want those men finding you."

"What about you, Mommy?" She asked. The rodent only smiled with tears in her eyes. "Oh.. I wish to tell you the same," She spoke in a soft tone. The light-colored mouse sniffed around and twitched her whiskers. "They're getting closer. You should hide now, little bell. I'll draw them away," She explained. The little girl nodded and hid in the crevice. The rodent looked around, hearing the footsteps run closer to their area. She ran out into a clearing and yelled at the men in suits to get her. They ran towards her and chased her off.

The Turtles Tots had hidden in the shadows while this transpired. "Who do you think that was?" Donnie asked. "I don't know... but I think we should help the little girl," Leo said. Mikey nodded at that, "I'm going with Leo." Raph just huffed, "I don' think it's a good idea." Donnie responded with, "When is helping someone a bad idea?" The argument would've continued if they hadn't heard an "ahem" behind them. They froze at the familiar tone of the voice and turned to him.

"Master Splinter/Sensei!" They yelped at his sudden arrival. "Might I ask what you four are doing?" The gray rat asked. "We were just playing and then we saw someone run by." The olive green turtle in purple began. "We followed her here and she set down a little girl here." Leonardo continued. "Yeah, and the mouse left her while some men chased her somewhere else." The dark green turtle in red spoke, "So, the little girl got left here?" Splinter asked. The three turtles nodded at him. "And I see that Michelangelo is trying to sneak off." Mikey gave a small squeak when his father noticed him.

"Aw, come on Sensei. Can we at least see if she's okay?" The turtle in orange gave big eyes, hoping for a yes from his father. Splinter knew that if he said no, Michelangelo wouldn't leave him alone. Besides, even if he had to go with his instincts, morality would overrule it. The gray rat sighed. "Let's go see her." The turtles smiled and rushed forward while Mikey grabbed his hand, leading him to the spot she was hidden. Splinter watched as his sons stopped at a large crevice. "Here. She's in here."

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