Epilogue: Smoke and Visions

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He drew in a breath through his nose before sighing deeply and softly though his muzzle. His eyes looked to the side, seeing a box he was given during the time when he visited the Ancient One for his Master's burial. He remembered the melancholic look in the old one's eyes when he told him what had happened to his son, Hamato Yoshi. That day went on with strange occurrences from his sons saying they saw some monstrous being. The strangest occurrence happened later in the evening.

The old gray rat sighed as he opened the box, looking at the ashes in the small drawstring pouch and a few unlit incense sticks. He learned of this combination from a friend of the Ancient One. A man who had blonde hair which was whitening out with age. His face had a few wrinkles and he had a mustache and goatee. His pale grayish-blue eyes held a deep sorrow that grew ever so deeper, but he had learn to hide it away in all his years.

He remembered that he was wearing a black and white kimono with kanji emblazoned on it. The rat had never seen this kind of kanji in his life. He didn't even know what the foreign symbols were for. Nonetheless, he, the Ancient One, and the man spent this time talking while his turtle sons were sleeping upstairs. That was until they came running down, crying and yelling that there was a monster.

Splinter awoke from his thoughts and looked to the mixture of ashes and incense once more before setting it up for its use. He never felt the need to use any of it before but lately he had this nagging feeling to try it. He didn't understand why he did now of all times, especially since he and his children took down the Shredder, but he felt the need to look ahead, to prepare for the inevitable, or even to be certain that he was worrying over nothing. He sat himself down on a meditative position after lighting the incense and placing them into the ashes, allowing his thoughts to vanish while he breathed in, clearing his mind.

'Time passed as he waited. Nothing happened at first. Perhaps he really was worrying too much after all. That was when it happened. He opened his eyes and looked around. It was all dark, except for the silver glow coming from his form. He looked back and saw that his physical form was deep in meditation. It didn't surprise him too much as it did the first time. He had experience with this astral projection for a few years now, but something about this type of projection felt.. different.

Well, he wasn't going to figure it out just standing there. He turned and began walking forward. Where was he going? He didn't know, but he knew he just had to find answers. A white flame flickered in the distance. He went ahead to investigate. The rat sniffed around and twitched his whiskers instinctively at the sight of the flame. Perhaps he was searching for the smell of burning embers but there was none. 'This indeed was no ordinary flame.' He thought.

"And right you are." A booming echo voiced from the darkness beside him. He turned and saw a mass beside him. It shaped into a man. He had a long beard and a straw hat with a black kimono that had white sleeves and kanji emblazoned on it in gold. He cleared his throat and turned to the rat. "Forgive me. I didn't mean to intrude on your thoughts. We just happened to be using the Spirit Smoke at the same time coincidentally." He chuckled. His voice no longer boomed, but it sounded more comforting and much softer.

It took Splinter a moment to realize who he was. "It's you... You were there all those years ago..." The man turned to him and nodded, "Indeed. I'm surprised you took this long to use the Spirit Smoke, but I suppose things were calmer before then, huh?" The beard moved with the man's words. Splinter looked to him before looking down and sighing softly.

"It's true... I've only recently destroyed my lifelong enemy, but.. there's more things that have happened as well and I do not feel so content with them." He spoke, recalling to the night where he took down Shredder. It happened to be the same night where his daughter, Isabella, was rescued by that human woman's children. He could still recall those amber eyes and the blue markings across her face. Her stare did nothing to reassure him in the slightest. "I see..." The elder spoke beside him. "Well, most who use the Spirit Smoke only come here to see a.. prediction of sorts though many are not ready to see.. Are you certain you want to look?"

The rat didn't come all the way here to be knocked back with no answers. "Yes." A calm tone left his voice. He shouldn't be worried of the consequences now. The man beside him looked down and sighed softly. "Very well. I cannot place your needs above my own. I will see my own visions next time." His voice lowered to a softer tone. "Just keep looking into the flame. It will show what is needed."

Splinter nodded to him and looked to the flame as it began to flicker faster. The white fire spread around him, separating him and the bearded man, who had walked away to allow him to see. A smoke rose up and figures began to take form into it. He could see it. The armored villain he had destroyed.. His sons fighting.. his daughter alone... An innocent life in danger.. and amber eyes boring holes into his skull. The amber eyes placed themselves on the woman's face. Her blue scaly markings moving upwards to complement the grin she had before the voice spoke through her teeth. "Take care of her, Yoshi's rat."

He felt himself getting pulled back. "Father," A voice spoke. 'My children,' he thought immediately and felt himself get pushed back harshly. He flew backwards, seeing the flame dissipate and the smoke clear while he closed his eyes and felt himself leave the realm entirely.'

The rat fell back and sat up, snapping his eyes open. "Father.." He gasped and looked to see his eldest of the quadruplets, Leonardo. "Are you alright?" He asked, looking concerned along with the other three and their youngest sister. He kept his gaze on her the longest and sighed softly.

Should he tell them? No... He already concerned them enough and they had just handled a difficult situation recently. It wasn't fair to put them under the pressure he felt. It may be dishonest of him to hide such a thing, but this wouldn't be the first time. Perhaps in time, he'll figure out how to word what he'd seen properly and then he'll tell them. Hopefully this time he won't be too late like the last time he hid something.

He looked to each of his children and gave a soft smile to them. "I am fine, my sons and dear daughter." Though most of them looked relieved, the others were right to seem suspicious. He could not blame them. He stood up with his walking stick and sighed. "Perhaps some time away from the incense will help clear my head." His sons got out of the way as he walked ahead. The rat stopped before he turned to his children. "Would you like to come with me?" He asked.

"Where're we heading?" Raphael responded back with a question. Splinter smiled at him. "Just somewhere to see the stars while the evening is just beginning." Donatello spoke up. "Well I think there's an abandoned observatory just a while away from the city." The rat could see Mikey perk up at the idea. "Alright! Let's go! Come on sis! We're beating them to the topside!" He grabbed the gecko's wrist who jerked forward at that before running along with him.

Donnie used his staff to get over them. "In your dreams, Mikey. I'm not letting you drive again." He smiled. "Hey! No fair, Don!" Isabella called out to the turtle rushing ahead to the elevator. She got herself back up and followed after him. Splinter chuckled and watched as they went ahead, following after them. "Kids." He sighed lowly and went into the elevator with them, looking back to his door. His face shown a smile for his children but his mind was still muddled from the vision.

'Perhaps I should tell them,' he thought, looking up to his children who were excited about going upside. He couldn't take away their excitement just like that though. 'But for now, let them rest. They've already handled enough for one day.'

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