Chapter 13: The Shredder Strikes Part 2

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The rain poured heavy, soaking my clothes and making them stick to me. Lightning struck around us with thunder following it just seconds after. We kept our stances with our weapons out and just across from us is a group of ninja with their leader clad in armor. My head was pounding at the sight of him and every bit of my common sense was just screaming at me to run away from this man, no from this monster. At the same time though, I knew I wouldn't be alone to face him and my brothers were at my side ready to protect me if it came down to it.

"The time for games has ended." He spoke through his iron mask, making it sound a little less human than he was. "No more charades." He took his helmet off and shown his face. I tried to remain strong even if I wanted to run away from this all too familiar man. "You see me as I am and it will be the last thing you will ever see." He smirked at us and pulled his helmet back on. "Prepare to face your destiny," He crossed his arms into an x symbol, "and your doom." The tekko-kagi on his hand glinted and I can already guess that he meant what he said.

"Well, he's your friend, Leo." Donnie looked to him apprehensively. "And he's certainly got a strong sense of personal style. I mean, nice outfit." Mikey gave a soft smile, trying to lighten the mood, but Raph didn't look very amused at that. "Yeah but something tells me that he didn't get all dressed up for nothin'." He kept his sais up. "Guys, we're in for the fight of our lives." Leo marked. "And something tells me that this won't be pretty." I spoke my thought.

"Foot Ninja, attack!" The man in armor gave his orders and they proceeded to charge at us. "Destroy them!" We jumped into battle and met the ninjas halfway. Leo did a leaping split kick, taking down two of them. Don stepped around, dodging a sword wielding ninja but managed to get the high ground and hit him in the back, making this one ninja fall. Raph caught a katana between the prongs on his sai before getting the wielder close enough to kick in his chest.

A blade met the Kama part of my kusarigama and I dodged before they could swing down again before hitting them in the side with a leg. They fell over. The fight wasn't done yet though. My eyes darted around and I see Michel with three shinobi in front of him. He swung his nunchaku, ready to strike, but I also see Shredder calmly coming up behind Mikey and immediately yelled out to him. "Michel, Watch out!" He turned to me but it was too late. Shredder had already leapt and kicked him down. Mikey yelped and groaned.

Shredder's gaze turned to Leo. He was fighting a ninja off. The man acted too fast for my eyes to follow, but the next thing I know the ninja ducked and he was flying right at the turtle and kicking him right in the chest. He flew back and two ninja jumped over him, but Leo managed to flip over and gain his footing again. I was thankful for that but unfortunately my relief ended when those two ninja ran to me, weapons drawn. The one holding the sword swung it at me but I block in time. The other caught my off guard by wrapping a chain around my foot and pulling me down, making me fall back. I yelped and growled in pain. 'I seriously need to have some sort of padded armor or something because I'm getting tired of falling on my backside and hurting!' I thought.

The Ninja above me was about to straight up slash me open but I got up in time just as he sent his blade straight down on the concreted rooftop. I snapped my tail and hit the man with the blunt end of my Kama while sending the bladed part of my kusarigama down into the chain around my leg, cutting it off of me. I pulled the still intact part of his chain and pulled him in, slashing across his chest and making this man fall down with the other. I look around and see Donnie already taking down a pair of ninjas with his bo staff.

Shredder jumped down to his side and grabbed his staff before swinging him backwards and making the turtle land on his shell. Donnie gasped when a shinobi jumped down with a katana blade, but thankfully Raph blocked the hit. "Watch your back, brainiac." Raph strained. "Isn't that what you're for, Raph?" Donnie replied. The olive green turtle jumped away just in time for Raph to disarm the ninja and making the sword fly across the roof. "Leo! Low bridge!" Mikey called. They both ducked down just as the sword flew over them.

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