Chapter 1: Things Change

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Thirteen years had passed since they first accepted me into their family. I had never been more grateful than to ever even know them. Although we have our differences, I wouldn't dare replace them with anyone or anything else, even if the price was to remember my mother. Although as much as I wish to have memories of her, something... my self-conscience maybe... holds me back.

Deep within the sewers of New York, was our home. The room I was in was dark; pitch black, even. The only light source was a candle. The short candle was balanced on the end of our master's walking stick. His whiskers twitched as he spoke, "Remember to be a true ninja, you must become one with the shadows. Darkness gives a ninja power, while light reveals the ninja's presence. Now, can you extinguish this flame without revealing yourselves?" I watched as he flipped the candle off his walking stick and into his hand. A dark figure had immediately pounced in its direction in an attempt to grab it but failed as our master simply moved it out of the way. The figure landed on the opposite wall at this point. "Too noisy, Donatello." Our sensei stated.

Donatello was the smartest out of my brothers. Every day, he would create something new. If he failed at creating his invention the first time, he'd try again and again until he finally made it right. I was first interested in his creations when we were still just children. Even then, he knew how to amaze me and the others with his inventions. If his little creations ever broke, he would find a way to fix it. He even gave me the honor of helping out with his experiments sometimes.

Another large figure jumped forward but also failed to catch the candle for the rat stood up in time. Instead, he went flipping and flying. It wasn't long before he landed on top of Donatello. "Too clumsy, Michelangelo."

Michelangelo, also known as Mikey, was the youngest, the most free-willed and the prankster in the family. He always knew how to make someone smile and have fun. Although he would try to involve me into some pranks, depending on who would be the victim, I would either agree, which happens very rarely, or stay out of trouble, which seemed to be a much safer route. Mikey was the one who actually made me open up more and enjoy life as much as I can.

Not too long, a third shadow came out and barely missed the candle. Sensei ducked in time and took caution with this one, carefully stepping a few paces. The large shadow came again, but Master Splinter had taken a seat once more and tripped the shadow with his walking stick. He landed into the pile of my brothers. Angry grunts could be heard from him. "Poor choice, Raphael."

Raph was the one with the temper in this family. He was rather untrustworthy of me when I first arrived. You can't really blame the guy, considering that it was just him and his brothers before I came in. Also, it's not really every day that your father and brothers anticipate for you to be a part of their family. It took time for Raphael to accept me as a sister. 'How?' You might ask. Well it probably didn't help that one, I was living with him, two a whole lot of training actually paid off and three I got caught in a crossfire of pranks between him and Mikey. Splinter came on the scene and the two were forced to clean up the mess while I got a small bath. The two were forced to apologize as well and surprisingly, he was the first to apologize to me, even though he was reluctant about it.

I realized that it was my turn and I quietly crept around our rat father. His eyes kept themselves closed, although that didn't mean he doesn't have other heightened senses. The others had tried to leap for it, but none of them tried to get the candle from far away. So, that's what I do. I reach for my weapon and toss out the chain end in an attempt to at least grab the candle. Instead, the metallic chain wraps around his staff and I am tossed around to the opposite wall, into my own spot. I gasped slightly and groaned as I heard, "Work on your aim, Isabella."

Isabella. That was the name he gave me. Bella was the nickname Mikey gave me. It kinda stuck with me, but I didn't mind it at all. Both of the names, or at least, part of them seemed so familiar to me.

TMNT 2003 FanFiction: Sister's StoryWhere stories live. Discover now