Chapter 3: Attack of the Mousers

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It had only been about an hour or so since we brought her home. She's been passed out and Mikey's been the one carrying her. I have to admit she looks friendly enough for us, but something tells me that we mutants just tied ourselves into one shell of a ride.

The red-haired woman had been laid down onto the couch and the others and I have been waiting for her to wake up. So far, it's been nothing but silent in the lair. I assume that Splinter is still in his room. "You know, Bella. I don't think you staring at her intently is going to wake her up," Leo said. Oh yeah. I was in a separate chair, staring at the woman. Kinda creepy, now that I think about it. "Well, I can't help it. She's just so pretty." I said. She is pretty, though it could be because I never saw a human this close before. Leo muttered something lowly and I turn to look at him. "Hmm, what was that?" I asked. "Uh, nothing. Nothing at all." He quickly replied. The other turtles looked at him with a frown. I shook it off before looking at the woman. She was waking up.

"Oh man, what a dream. Turtles fighting robots. Did I fall asleep watching TV again?" She asked more to herself than to anyone of us there, "That was the weirdest thing I've ever seen." She gazed right to left looking at each of us. Mikey had a big grin on his face. "Hi," He said a little too enthusiastically. She screamed at him while he screamed back. "Please don't do that. I almost jumped out of my shell." He said. "It has three fingers." She said a little dumbfounded at that before grabbing the pillow and pulling it over her head, repeating "I'm asleep" in a never ending cycle. "This isn't going very well," Don spoke. Mikey replied with, "Hey. Come on, we don't have much practice talking to humans. It's gonna take a little time." 'True... but I think there's someone who has experience with humans.' I sighed and got up, leaving them with her and heading to Splinter's room.

"Come in, my daughter." He said from the inside. I obeyed and went in. "Master Splinter. I hate to interrupt what you're doing, but... the others and I may have gotten ourselves into a little dilemma." He opened an eye, raising an eyebrow at me, "Okay, maybe a big mess, but..." I sighed. The gray rat looked to me. "You'll have to come out to see for yourself, Master." He nodded in understanding and I opened the door, leading him out and to the couch.

"Hello April, how are you doing?" I hear Leo try. April, so that is her name. "Oh, I'm fine. Everything is absolutely great." The human named April said before gasping at the sight of my father and I. "Then perhaps you are ready to answer some questions." Splinter said, walking forward while I was beside him. "Y-you're a.... and a..." She passed out again. "You sure have a way with the ladies, Master Splinter," Donatello said while I tried hard not to laugh at that. "Now, what do we do?" Don asked. "Let's nudge her," Leo suggested. "I'll snap her out of it," Raph offered. "Raphael, no." Splinter said urgently. Mikey decided to walk away and take the music player. "Somebody, get me when she wakes up," He said, residing himself to a chair.

I sigh and sat down in another chair. "You know, maybe its best if not all of us were crowding around her." I say, "I mean, she did have a near-death experience when we rescued her and it doesn't help that she was hyperventilating literally right before bonehead over there," I pointed at Mikey, "said anything. Does anyone else get where I'm going?" I look to the three turtles and one rat. "Hmm.... Excellent point, Isabella." Splinter said, before looking to the other three expectantly. They nodded in understanding and gave April some space. Time passed by and I suppose I did forget about them while I began humming lowly.

"*ahem.* Leonardo, perhaps it's best to make April some tea." Splinter said. Leonardo nodded and left to the kitchen. I was in my thoughts while this transpired. My gaze landed on April, thinking. 'Does she...? She wouldn't have freaked out if she knew about me.' I thought maybe someone close to Stockman would know the answers to my questions, but with the way the Mousers attacked her, I can only guess that Stockman doesn't trust her. "Isabella, if I may." Splinter said, motioning to the chair. "Oh, sorry." I got off and sat next to the chair. "Thank you," He bowed his head and took a seat.

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